Council Operations Meeting • 2:30 (3/3/2020)
• Review of Draft Edits to the Policies and Procedures Manual (mostly to do with public input).
• Committees
• Use of Electronic Devices
Council Informational • 4 PM (3/3/2020)
Presentations on,
Neighborhood Connect. It appears the Planning Department is rolling out some new software to do the following;
• Transparency
• Extend business hours
• Alerts
• Reduce inquiries
• Easy user interface
It integrates with the City of Sioux Falls Land Management software
While on it’s face, I think it is a good idea, over the last couple of months the city hasn’t had a very good track record with their online presence. Their videos have been crashing, the CityLink live stream has been taken down, the search engines are complicated and a mess and the pilot program for on-demand transit may not get off the ground. I guess if the city wants to be innovative, maybe that innovation should work.
Also presentations on the upcoming election and 2021 Budget Prioritization.
Regular Meeting • 7 PM (3/3/2020)
Item #45 & #60, 2nd Reading, Supplemental Appropriations. Not sure how this vote will go, or if it will be amended, but I have a feeling it will get at least 4 votes to pass (Mayor tie-breaker). They really should censure him for violating the charter and proposing budget changes.
Item #54, 1st Reading, Supplemental Appropriations of $355K to Pavilion for planning the repair of the roof.
Item #55, 1st Reading: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SIOUX FALLS, SD, REPEALING SUBCHAPTER SIOUX FALLS VETERANS PARK ADVISORY BOARD OF CHAPTER 95: PARKS AND RECREATION OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY. (I’m not sure why this board is being repealed, hopefully there will be more details Tuesday night).
Item #56 (57-58), 1st Reading: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SIOUX FALLS, SD, AUTHORIZING INTERIM WATER RATES FOR CERTAIN CUSTOMERS OUTSIDE THE CITY OF SIOUX FALLS. (Prairie Meadow Area). This has to do with a future annexation agreement.
Item #64, A RESOLUTION ADVISING AND GIVING CONSENT TO THE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO CERTAIN CITIZEN BOARDS. (once again the biographies are missing, I have requested from some councilors to ask the administration why the BIOs are no longer listed on agenda).
Planning Commission • 6 PM • (3/4/2020)
There have been a lot of strange changes lately to the city website and agendas. The latest is in the Planning agenda, instead of numbering the items, they are now using this labeling system; Ex: REZ-011688-2020. More confusion for no reason.