Here is what we know as of 5 PM.
• Cynthia Mickelson seems to have a challenger, Sarah Stokke is a nursing instructor at the University of South Dakota. I am not familiar with Sarah, but I have heard her name before in certain circles. This will make two races for the citywide ballot, but the interesting twist is that NOT everyone voting for this race can vote in the city election because the boundaries are different. In other words there will be people who can ONLY vote for school board or ONLY vote for At-Large council. I know, complicated.
• Marshall Selberg (SW District) and Pat Starr (NE District) do not have challengers, so they will get 4 more years.
• Greg Neitzert has a challenger, Julian Beaudion (NW District). This is a district seat only and not city wide.
• Theresa Stehly and Alex Jensen will challenge each other for the At-Large position. Since there are only two, their will be no run-off election (The ‘Stehly Rule’ won’t be used again). This will be the ONLY city-wide position on the ballot besides the Charter Amendments (and those living in the SFSD who can vote for school board).
I suspect a very low voter turnout of about 5%. The interesting part is this will be one of the most expensive elections in city history for only having two horse race. All precincts will be used, and the money Jensen plans on spending will probably be a record for a council race (the rumors going around are $200-250K). I’m not even sure how you can spend all that?
But this will be fun to watch, because all the attention will be on the At-Large race. This will give Stehly the advantage, besides her incumbency.
Let the Games Begin!
I think Alex! should take his $250,000 and commit it to a GoFundMe page for a new cornice and parapet. That’s what I think. Put the money towards something that will last, be “Positive,” and thus, be “Proven.”
It’ll be impossible to spend that kind of money and win. It can certainly be spent, but people will be turned off big time. Not at a fan of Stehly, but she’ll be the reasonable alternative to this sh*t show of $$$.
I have a voting record that I can back up, I have NOT supported nor voted for a Banker nor a Lawyer. I cant. For I believe their “interests” lie against the Constitution and the Common Rights of the People. For me this rules out 75% of the candidates at all levels – Congress, State Legislature, City Council.
Now – typical bank employees such as the lower level common workers, thats different, they are merely servants to the “banker”. And I can vote for those ‘constitutional lawyers’ whom are NOT members of the B.A.R but defend our 9th Amendment Common Law Right to do what we want to do.
People need to learn that “title of nobility” is something NOT to be taken lightly, whether you are a B.A.R Member Attorney, a Banker, a Foreign Dignitary, or Official or Officer of a Government Entity or one of the major CEO’s of the Multi-National Corporations whom ‘contract’ or mingle their interests with Foreign Govenments. That is what “Multi-National” means – they are Foreign Companies whom invest in Foreign Affairs. All of them should be banned or forced to give up their “Nobility”.
The PEOPLE need to wake up, no “incumbent” deserves a 2nd Term in the state of politics we are currently in. Whether they are good or bad, ‘we’ need to vote them out 1 term after another term. Not giving them a 2nd term means WE control the legislation, we control their paychecks, we control their thoughts, we control the wheels of government. It is much easier to repeal bad laws…
Lets keep in mind shall we – by changing our “Representatives” every 2 years acts like defacto term limits, let alone controls the President, Governor, and Mayor in more ways than one, for they now must work with a new “legislative branch” every 2 years, thus “WE THE PEOPLE” change our mindset frequently.
WE THE PEOPLE need to take our power back from the Politicians, by electing “statesman” – those whom are beholden to the PEOPLE, not the Government. Even if it means voting out our “representatives” good or bad every 2 years, even if it means you must vote Democrat rather than Republican or vice versa, even if means NOT voting for the same person twice.
The only way to take the MONEY out of politics is to keep it from dictating whom wins these elections. The best way to take MONEY out of politics is to remove the money from the process.
It matters nothing to me that JENKINS will raise $250,000 or not, for I know the MONEY is NOT what makes me support one or another candidate. I watch their voting record, and how they conduct themselves,more so their actions.
We need to wake up, make our voices heard, that is why you see me on FACEBOOK, EMAILS, or Other Sites Speaking trying to educate someone on our history, our rights, and what the government is doing.
Donald Trump said something I love – “Today America, I return the Power back to the People”
Thank You,
Mike Zitterich
Sioux Falls.
Mike Lee. Some of your posts I really enjoy. Your Seney Island insight is good. Then, out of the blue, you say something really really stupid. Case in point. Your last sentence of your last post.
Scott. 5% seems a bit too low. I will say 12%. The last non mayoral election drew 11%. 6,000 votes will win between Theresa and what’s his name. Theresa has overwhelming support from Joe and Jane Sixpack. What’s his name has overwhelming amounts of developer money and support south and east of 229, and west of Sertoma Ave. If Theresa wins, she will do it for $1 a vote. If what’s his name wins, he will do it spending $10 to $30 a vote, depending on how much you think is in the boy generals campaign warchest.
“‘Donald Trump said something I love – ‘Today America, I return the Power back to the People” .
“What?”….. “Trump resigned?”