I don’t get too upset about this, because almost every city election cycle this happens. You are not supposed to place signs in the boulevard (parking strip) because it is city owned property. My argument is that anything the city owns, I own, but rules are rules.
While some would argue that if a candidate hands out signs to supporters, they really can’t control where the supporter puts the sign. Which is true. But you can tell the supporter to not post in the boulevard.
But what makes this case interesting is that the yard these signs are in, are a supposedly a close family member of Jensen. Rules be damned for the Chosen One!
Probably stuck there in the middle of the night.

Do those, who are up for re-election to the city council with opponents or not, have a vote on the council between May 15th and until whenever the election is held, if the election is postponed?
A friend of mine ran for state legislature MANY years ago. He would knock on doors every evening and note the illegally placed signs of his opponent. At the end of the evening, he would collect all the illegally placed signs and return them to his opponent’s house! A public service, don’t you know! Protecting the candidate and their supporters from possible citation and/or negative publicity!
More Republicans believe in social distancing if it means they can put political signs on the boulevards.
Perhaps, the mayor has given a special dispensation for this. Thus, giving the “Red Line” an other convenient purpose.
( and Woodstock adds: “But, what is Noem’s position this?”….)