March 2020

Sioux Falls Ethics Board Meeting, Friday March 6th

A request for an open advisory opinion from the Board of Ethics was filed by Councilmember Janet Brekke. Councilmember Brekke is seeking guidance from the Ethics Board on appropriate local election related conduct. The request states: “The level of involvement of city elected officials in this current election cycle is unprecedented. I cannot assume these practices are ethical just because they are occurring now or have occurred in the past.  I am requesting a binding advisory opinion to guide my anticipated conduct in this and future elections.”

Brekke raises multiple issues regarding the propriety of local elected officials engaging in campaign financing and endorsement activities designed to influence the outcome of their own local elections. The ethical issues raised involve: 1) the use of public office for private gain for themselves or others, 2) the appearance of impropriety shall be avoided, and 3) refraining from engaging in political activities inappropriate to his or her office.

Councilmember Brekke specifically requested an open hearing so the testimony and deliberations will all be done in public.  Also, in an open hearing, opportunities for public input are part of the hearing process. This will be the first time issues such as these have been brought before the Ethics Board. The hearing is Friday, March 6, 2020 at 2:00 pm at City Hall in the old Council Chambers. Members of the public are welcome to attend and participate in the process by offering public input.

Misinformation Campaign about Stehly has begun

I told Theresa that I didn’t think it would start until Monday, but today as I was perusing the SD blogosphere, a blogger that lives 40 minutes to the North of us (who seems to be suddenly into Sioux Falls politics) kicked off the misinformation campaign early.

He questioned why Theresa didn’t have any donations or expenditures listed on her latest campaign report, referring to her last newsletter and robocall.

Well, simple answer, Theresa didn’t file her statement of organization (announcement of candidacy) until this past Friday. Any expenditures out of her pocket don’t apply to her candidacy, and she didn’t raise money for her campaign, because the campaign didn’t begin until Friday.

In other words, when you fill out a campaign finance report for your candidacy, it has to be for the time you are an announced candidate (that time folks has been about 2 1/2 days).

You would think a former South Dakota SOS employee would know that . . . wait, he quit in disgrace due to extreme lack of ethics. But just for the record, ‘he didn’t break the law or steal anything’. LOL.