Recently a group has said they are exploring doing a petition drive to try to save the collection. They are working thru the details but hope to have an initiative put together so they can put it on the Spring ballot. I don’t think it would be hard to get the sigs, I just don’t know if voters would support spending millions to save them.

But the potential petition drive isn’t the ‘crazy’ part of the story.

I’ve heard rumors that city councilors have been ‘told’ by the city’s legal team not to discuss the zoo tomb with the media or openly on social media. Not sure if it that is the case and if any of them are complying? Their 1st Amendment rights trump any silly by-laws or state laws that may prevent them from speaking out. Our lead city attorney isn’t known to be a real constitutional scholar.

I have also heard rumors of threats made toward officials. Unfortunately, I believe some people have gone way overboard on this issue, and nothing would surprise me at this point.

Closed government is a double-edge sword. You can’t just close it to your detractors, you have to close everyone out for it to work, including your followers. So guess what? Sometimes your devout followers can become your biggest enemies when you start cutting them out of the information loop.

I’ll keep saying it, there are NO winners with closed government just the LOSERS at the top.


This was from East Dakota Water Development District;

The attached release references the detection of zebra mussels in the Big Sioux River just south of Watertown. The presumed source is Lake Kampeska, which has been known to harbor the little buggers for a few years. Given the relatively rapid movement of river water, GF&P is now considering the entire river downstream of Lake Kampeska “infested.”  We will need to adjust our river sampling protocols to avoid the potential of spreading them further.  Fortunately, the sampling season is about to end for 2023.

This should be of particular note to the City of Sioux Falls, which draws water directly from the river just north of the airport. We’ve all seen the pictures of zebra mussels clogging water intakes. The last I heard, they get about 6-7% of their water from the river, so this could have an impact in a time of growing demand.

I’ve never heard our public works team talk about this before. Maybe the administration will treat it like other issues, ignore it and hope it goes away and if not paint a mural over it.

By l3wis

12 thoughts on “Lenin’s Tomb at the Zoo becoming quite the sideshow”
  1. Don’t worry about the homeless or the panhandlers, but we must save some dead animals. Now, pro-lifers would say we are more concerned about a spotted squirrel, than a fetus. But not me, I think a spotted squirrel would be ugly as hell. AND, as far as saving some dead animals, well, it’s much easier. You don’t have to feed them and they don’t need cots, and they never cry.

  2. The city attorney uses private firms because his legal opinion hardly matters. Councilors represent the people, not the city. Speak out. We’d like to hear from you, not authoritarian city hall.

    At Buddhist temples, African animal sculptures are used as a means to get a prayer relayed via Buddha to God. I’m thinking a church-like temple and a new religion. Carnegie would be perfect. With dictator mayor, council meetings aren’t that important. They could be home video blog conferencing.

    Does anyone have a recipe for Zebra Muscle Pasta? I’m thinking a white sauce.

  3. Hey, great idea. Why not display the animals at various public buildings like the libraries, the City Center, Carnegie, etc.

  4. city councilors and officials can’t comment on the dead animals if there’s an election, but they can openly donate to the candidates of their choice. Is that correct?

  5. “….. little tears of arsenic”….. I believe that was a part of Marilyn Mansons once ill-fated lyric attempt at country music….

  6. This is what is getting me all P***d off, they want to keep all this quiet, and that seemingly is going to be the government’s worst nightmore. There is NO way the “city government” can force the city councilors from speaking out against them…ALL they cannot do is speak on anything from an Executive Session. Oops, this is seemingly what the Task Force will, a closed door session, pretty much a executive session, which is going to p**** off half of Sioux Falls. More I read, the more I get mad, the more I want the people to petition. The way I see it, IF, the people voted on how to purchase, and house the animals, then the PEOPLE should vote on how to manage them today. But the political climate today is NOT the same as it was in 1983, and we are under a much different City Government. Now I can see how Scott supports a City Manager, I have been outwardly advocating to change the composition of the City council, but I think the Mayor’s Office should be separated from the City Government, where a city manager manages the Administration Building of Public Workers….this would mean, the MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL are both outside of the government, whereas today, the MAYORS OFFICE is inside the government…

  7. Mike just swore. He means business. 1983 was when Loila beat Neal. Then, we got the extra penny. It was just for roads then, too. Yes, definitely “a much different City Government”, indeed. Madonna was new. Reaganomics was taking off. Moonwalking was in. AND, it was still called Nite City. OH, and if we could only go back to then, when the Pomp Room was one’s last call….. But what does it actually say about us if Studio One still lives, but with only a different name and so close to our current city gov, and where one could once get pomped?…. Or, are we still getting pomped there, but we just don’t want to admit it?

  8. Have you checked-out the “zoo tomb”? It’s blocked-off with sheetrock and plastic. Apparently, arsenic is a graver sin than asbestos in this fine city. They used to make sheetrock out of asbestos come to think of it, but we need not worry about that one anymore…. Now we just have to worry about developers who might be dressed in lace as they haul whatever to the dump.

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