This was Cherry Rock park Saturday morning. You should see it today. All the sand from the Volleyball courts are by the bathrooms. Oh my.

Am I the only one that finds it ironic that there was lines and lines of cars going into Falls Park this past weekend?

You do realize the reason we are experiencing these torrential rains is because of GLOBAL WARMING and our use of FOSSIL FUELS. So I find it ironic that you drove your planet killing vehicle to observe the damage you have done 🙂 Now I ain’t full on hippy, I still drive my car. But wouldn’t a smart person maybe park their car a few blocks away, heck even a mile away, and enjoy a stroll down to Falls Park? Not sure if you looked around, but Sioux Falls ain’t getting any skinnier.

I’ve told people that we have already passed the time of no return.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Cars, Floods and Falls Park”
  1. Huether diverted federal funds meant for levee and dredging into Events Center construction. There’s been no drownings but flood damage is enormous. Most storms before went around here. One big event was inevitable. Weather patterns have been unpredictable. Yes. global warming but also the Wrath of Mayor without regard for public safety.

  2. Can’t quite grasp what you’re saying with this post other than hilarious that the parks department will have to clean up the mess and out off important projects like figure out how to run a gym and charge user fees.

  3. Yup. And money grows on trees, pigs fly, and the 2nd coming of Jesus is scheduled for next week. The ignorance is so dense, I’m surprised it isn’t raining idiots.

  4. Most definitely. The next president will be a dictator regardless of whether it’s Trump or Biden. Climate change will dictate it.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Gee, I wonder if the next governor will know how to use the National Guard, huh?”…. )

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