UPDATE III: As I predicted most of these plastic thingies have been removed or destroyed by vehicles. Shocker! I Know. Just yesterday the last one remaining in front of the post office was ran over by a mail carrier big rig. He didn’t completely destroy it, but he broke one of the pieces. Absolute stupidity. Do we even have a traffic engineer that studies industry standards and keeps abreast? Doubtful.
UPDATE II: As you can see, cars are already hitting and damaging these devices, and they have only been on the street for a couple of weeks. I think this will end badly, mark my words.

UPDATE: As I suspected they are using these bands in the wrong way, they are for protected bike lanes;
Bicycle lanes should feel safe and inviting. But that doesn’t mean they have to be eyesores. The Wave Delineator accomplishes this by quickly and easily creating protected bike lanes, while providing a visually appealing alternative to its traffic cone and flex post counterparts. Ideal for temporary pop-up bike lanes during day- or week-long events, or when communities want to pilot a location for a longer-term protected bikeway.
Now that I have your attention I really wanted to talk about the city’s traffic calming efforts. While I get how this works, these white bands are actually not only a hazard to passing car they are also to bicyclists who are trying to navigate around these contraptions. I am all for the other stuff, but not this floating thingy that I have almost hit twice now. The city has a bad habit of doing this all over town, building pedestrian crossings where the curb slopes are NOT cut out and other hazards like barriers, light posts, weird angles, etc. Can’t wait to see this wrapped around someone’s driveshaft.

We need to educate drivers on pedestrian safety. This city needs to drop about $500K on driver education thru a multiple media platforms. We can paint every intersection like Willy Wonka, but until drivers wakeup, doesn’t matter.
Speaking of idiotic things the city does, after former councilor Neitzert spent months on changing the rec trail ordinances the city employees fart around installing inadequate signage;

Notice how small the MPH sign is. They also have E-Bike crossed out and you have to read the small print to realize you can ride an E1 or E2. And where are the speed signs? I think that the SFPD probably told the Parks Department they won’t be enforcing speeds on the trail, and probably the reason there is NO speed signage along the trail. Can’t ticket someone for speeding if there is no speed limit notice on the trail.
Still waiting for a road biker doing 25 hitting a grandma on her E2 doing 10, then we can have a discussion about speed, braking and physics.
It’s just a sign of our times.
I am in shock with all of the carnage on the Recreation Trail since the city counsel “allowed “ e2 Bikes on the trail.
Head on collisions, broken bones, knocked out teeth, emergency rescues from EMT’s. One death , and one E2 spontaneously combusted.
All of the chicken littles in Sioux Falls
that predicted all of this now know that they weren’t even close on their
Fake concerns.
Just wait until the city lets E Scooters loose !
Oh the death and destruction!
It’s not so bad. Soon intersections will be painted color block like the wall of the skyscraper empty parking garage. Is there an executive order to ignore executive orders? No matter the issue, sit back and rule another executive order. It’s what Kings in this charter do. If that doesn’t work, appoint another director you can soon fire and blame. Hire a homeless director you can make homeless?
I have a nice residence but I sleep on the ground at 8th and Railroad. Free food, money for alcohol, and an occasional homeless coordinator upskirt.
The ebike decision wasn’t for ebike users. It was for Jaunt. It was a corporate decision and not a citizens’ decision. Jaunt brags that their ebikes can go 25 mph…. They actually did this at a Bike Committee meeting recently…. Wait until that happens…. If ebikes, then why not Mopeds?…. My guess is that the council back then was less corporate and each council person back then represented half of the number of people that a council member represents now…. Thus, it was a more democratic council back then….
The ebike concerns are not fake when they look like motorcycles, but yet you don’t allow motorcycles on the bike trail for a reason.
Visually appealing???
Please explain to me the difference between a Class 2 E bike throttling along the entire Recreation Trail without turning a peddle and an
E Scooter.
My E Scooter is a Class II E bike without peddles.
But, evidently FAB has a problem with that.
Remember Taxpayers…..
“Red Ticket , Blue Ticket,Green Ticket,
Yellow Ticket. “
Sorry Baby ….Wrong Color.
Me? Or the Ticket. ?
(Jamie Brockett Ballad of the USS
The parks team and graphic designers and communications department director does not know to keep designs away from the bolts on the sign and the text on the top is too low and small. Bad design
Why wasn’t there a ribbon cutting for this ribbon candy?…. At first, I just thought it was the filler between two cement forms that had reacted to a hot day on the road. Else, get your Matchboxes or Hot Wheels out and then pretend you are in St. Louie…..
A Moped is a Class E II with a combustible engine. #GoFigure 🙂
VSG, thanks for bringing this up. I have done my research with e-bike motors and combustible scooter motors. A 100 CC scooter and below is street legal without a license plate but I believe a driver’s license is required. A comparable ratio even if you have an out-of-class E-bike with speed capable of 50 MPH only tap out at about 40-60 CC depending on motor, most are in that 30 CC range. The only difference is an E-Bike’s torque is beyond a 100 CC scooter. My new C3 will go 0 to 30 in less then a block. With my new bike I can also adjust my assist. In other words if I am just slacking and only want to coast it will go about 17 MPH in eco, but if I peddle hard I can get it up to 30 MPH but you have to work it. Also my bike doesn’t make annoying fart sounds.
But those “sounds” give a pedestrian a warning. 🙂