After watching the above presser where Councilor Miranda ‘Lucy’ Bayse said this, I wonder if the council is talking to city hall;
There isn’t anything that’s proposed that would increase the tax expectations or increase what community members would pay in their taxes to fund these things.
Over the last couple of years when the city council has discussed NOT raising property taxes (they always vote for the increase) the mayor’s minions have cried to the council if we don’t raise the taxes every year we would miss out on rec programming, street repair and any other bogeyman they can cook up. So how can Lucy say there won’t be any increases in taxes to pay for services? She can’t. She is either lying or doesn’t understand how the funding works. While we have a bond rating based on our 2nd penny collection, we also have other bond ratings tied to our total revenue take in which also consists of Federal and State grants and property taxes. While the bond itself to pay for the facility is attached to the 2nd penny some of the programming will come from property tax revenue. So where is the disconnect? You will pay more in ALL taxes to fund these facilities, does the council think the money is coming from the sky? Seriously? It will cost MILLIONS each year to subsidize these facilities, the money is coming from somewhere.
Instead of lying to the public to justify the means why not stop the hand wringing and propaganda and put it to a legal bond vote. If you really want to know what the public thinks, ASK THEM!
I think the real telling thing about these drones over New Jersey is that they are not landing in New Jersey because they know better than to do that. Thus, most likely some intelligent beings…. 🙂 #Snooky #TheSituation #The”Garden”State #Sopranoes #Diners&Dives #Landfills #JerseyShore
As a City Taxpayer, I too pay the “second penny” sales tax, a tax originally drafted as a “temporary tax to provide funds to cities for street construction and maintenence”. As with all temporary taxes, this one was made permanent and apparently now the purposes served by this revenue are far flung from the original designation for streets. No surprises, this same loss of focus, dilution of mission has beset other government revenue sources (looking at you state video gambling revenue and half penny sales tax to support enhanced teacher pay).
When proceeds from this second penny sales tax are instead pledged to repay bonds for recreation facilities, the costs of those street construction and maintenence projects (originally intended to be covered by a second penny sales tax) are left to be paid with proceeds from “other revenue” (in the vernacular of government finance people; in the current discussion of City finances read this as a euphemism for increased property taxes). Or street maintenence is deferred and condition of the streets suffer as a result.
Increased taxes. Poorer street maintenence. City taxpayers are getting one, or both of these the result of this initiative.
“Say, I want to know what HS Secretary Noem is going to do about these drones over New Jersey”….. “Does she plan to build a tall wall along the Jersey shore?”….. “Or, maybe she could adopt all of these drones as pets, and then that could scare the hell out of them, and then maybe they would leave”…. 🙂
Guy from G is right, the use of the 2nd penny to finance play palaces is costing all of us. The moment we borrow to pay for roads with bonds, we have defeated the spirit of the 2nd penny. The people are paying now and in the future for the wastefulness of the developers (including the personal investing by this mayor and the last one) by paying any interest payments. We are overspending from a soon to be empty piggy bank and pushing the debt onto the backs of every resident of Sioux Falls.
The Arrowhead-Powderhouse-Veterans Parkway intersection should be left he way it is until it can be paid for out of the 2nd penny.. The visitors and residents using the corner will begin asking why land, the past mayor tried to steal from the landowner, now being stolen by the state/city without eminent domain process, isn’t safe and fluid. There are many questionable legal actions happening that should be opened up in public trial.
Look at the Denty and the Midco pool, you will see how poorly the City plans the facilities and then how it takes care of investments out of the 1st penny. They don’t care, the current administration only cares about putting their names on bronze plaques to gratify their egos.
The ignorance of our City Council and the subordination to the strong mayor form is unforgivable. It is not working for the residents. All residents are voters (whether direct land owners or not) and taxpayers. There should be a taxpayer populism revolt like the national 2024 election?