Chief of Mumbo Jumbo for the City explains the city’s employment recruitment efforts
I was a bit confused when I saw this presser. Is the city having retention problems? Hardly. But why are they focusing on recruiting young people for city jobs? It’s the old game private companies pull, anybody over 50, tenured and at the top of their pay scale is human trash and must go. The city has been quietly pushing these employees out. I wish those who have already succumb to this pressure would go to the media about it. Story of the year (besides our murder numbers). But is this age discrimination? And is that protected by Federal statutes? Good question. Now don’t get me wrong if someone is a slacker, they need to go, but for very specific reasons. While younger employees may have more energy, innovation and creativity and save the city money in salaries and reduced benefits they have no idea how to steer a ship and you want tenured employees around to help guide these younger folks. Trust me, I detest that the city has so much mid-management, that is where I would start before going after the rank and file. The next mayor is going to have a real HR mess to clean up.
Did she say the city cares about our history? Is that why they want to kick the Delbridge Museum in the garbage?
Get the old people out to promote young, college educated students to push an agenda…they want the older people out that gave been with the city since prior the new government, cause the old government was to conservative.
Assuming we survive Trump and climate change, A.I. might make this worse, but with the world population beginning to decline by 2054, we will – sooner than you think – wish that people were still trying to get across the border to help us out. #WhoWillManageThePotHoles? #WhoWillFillThem?
Considering city deception, what if older employees are offered early retirement or a buyout? Then, they’re brought back as high paid consultants to train younger newer hires. It’s known as double dipping and common. The advantage for the city executive level is they’ll not lose their position because there’s no one experienced enough to replace them.