Let’s call the new bike trail expansion what it really is, a tax write-off
I get excited for new trails in Sioux Falls, as well as my bike riding crew, so we attempted to see this past weekend where the new bike trail addition goes and where it ends. It’s weird. As you can see the trail abruptly ends at a rural bridge on Bahnson only a block from Rice Avenue (FULL DOC);

It really is in the middle of nowhere. But, there seems to be a plan to extend it to Veteran’s Parkway, which is great, but with another 4 miles to go, it could take years and millions of dollars. Many folks have asked me how one mile of bike trail can cost almost $5 million. Look at the design. A bunch of private land needs to be purchased and apparently an elevated trail is needed (it is not). Oh, and a rich donor needed a tax write-off, so this was our best plan for the money? My suggestion to make this trail worthwhile and accessible quicker would be upgrading the bike lane/trail along Rice Avenue to Great Bear and extending to Veterans. This would require a small investment since a half ass bike lane already exists and just needs repaving and marking which should include a medium between Rice and the path;

I have been thinking about throwing parties at the end of this trail under the bridge. Themes?