I am always waiting in anticipation to see what kind of atrocious raises the directors and managers are getting each year as if they are working for a tech company that makes profits. Well, once again, they are late posting the wages (this is last years). Maybe the city employees are not getting paid this year? Maybe the mayor is trying to hoard even more money for the convention center?
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“Say, this is fascism for the first time for me, what should I do first?”…..
They are just preparing for Trump inflation with its daily inflation and thus daily posts instead. #NewTariffs #ClosedBorder #Deportations #LaborShortages #SkyrocketingLaborCosts #RisingFoodPrices
“Say, I would love to hear Mike’s thoughts on Biden’s ratification of the 28th Amendment….. Oh, but wait a minute, let me get my popcorn first 🙂 “………..
I’ve experienced Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve many times, but this is the first time I’ve experienced Fascism Eve.
This year is the 40th anniversary of MLK Day. But how tragic it is that it will be celebrated this year on a day that America will inaugurate a president with fascist and racist overtures. You can have a dream, but this is a nightmare. Perhaps, this moment is one of the pains of history, but what does it say about us, and our future, if such an incoming president not only has such overtures, but also the baggage of criminality and disdain for our underlying democratic principles and processes as well as first becoming a successful political commodity with only the help of an Electoral College which is one of the final vestiges of the institution of slavery? An institution and its aftermath that Dr. King worked to free all people from, but now some of our people have allowed the darkness of the past to be the path of our future, a reality that offers no dreams but rather a darkness, a quagmire, where our future is beholden to the whims of an 18th Century electoral process that is still intact – the leaders it then produces – and a time when only some were free and not all.
Allie Hartzler and Erika Beck are grossly overpaid