This is pretty odd coming from an organization that does everything in their power to make sure nobody votes in their elections. There was also the illegal finance report they filed and edited. There is also the dubious school bond election where the citizens voted in the Putin Bonds (Lalley said the results of the election seemed Soviet). I don’t think Carly and Nan want to run again and they are looking for replacements. Also, just a note, when asking folks to get involved with local government, try not to schedule that meeting conflicting with another local body (City Council Meeting). I see this often where the school board will have an important meeting at the same time as the city or county. Can you folks coordinate? I know the mayor meets with the Super on a regular basis (probably working out more closed government strategies). I was glad to see Nold replacing Stavem, but why didn’t they just hire him before Stavem? The things this body does in executive session really makes you scratch your head.

It’s a sign of our times. People have tuned out. They are either working too hard, or are comfortable enough that they don’t think things can impact them. It’s the reality of a society that has lost its middle class, which once harbored hope, idealism, struggle, respect, and no guarantees but yet opportunity, community, and commitment. Today, our society has become a sea of survivalists with no game plan or dreams and winners, or people who think they are winners, who see themselves as above the fray.
Obama and Trump were seen having an extensive friendly chat at Carter’s funeral. In response, FOX News knee-jerkingly reported that Obama will continue to run the White House.