Well it took a lot of hand wringing, two city councils and over a year to figure out the pool bonds;

An ordinance of the City of Sioux Falls authorizing the City to issue bonds backed and repaid by the City’s existing 2nd penny sales tax to utilize for $68,000,000 in parks and recreation improvements at the Westside Recreation Center, Kuehn Park, and Frank Olson Park.

They could have just put it to a public bond vote last spring, but that would have taken vision and leadership two attributes this current city government can’t wrap their heads around. I’ve told people it likely would have passed by over 60% of the vote. The argument for the new expenditures is about as laughable as it gets. If you were to put it to a bond vote you would get the answer you are looking for instead of speculating we are short (public) indoor recreation facilities. We are NOT short. We have more indoor (private) recreation then any city our size probably in the nation. Just do a google search, with new places being built every day! The new hobby lobby will be a gigantic indoor rec facility, privately owned and operated. It reminds me of the building permit argument, ‘Look! Look! We are over a Billion on permits, oh, and half that money is coming from you.’ We have plenty of private indoor rec space we don’t need to compete with them.

More handouts to the lobbyists (Item #13):

The proposed supplemental appropriation provides South Dakota Trade $100,000 to support its operations in 2025.

Well, I saw this coming a mile away, a lobbyist shows up to an informational, cracks a few jokes with the councilors and the next thing you know they have $100K in their pockets. I find it ironic we have to give an organization money that essentially represents importers and exporters in our state that are transferring millions in goods each year . . . maybe they need to be asking their members for the money instead of the taxpayers of Sioux Falls? Just a thought.


Jodi wrote this article in 2018, but it kind of rings true today.


I joked with someone that even though a convicted felon can become president they still couldn’t pass a Federal background check required before you could become a janitor in a government building. That’s right folks, the guy cleaning your toilet has more integrity and government clearance then the man in the corner office. Kind of reminds you of the public sector.


It seems the city is ready to send most of Lenin’s tomb to Notre Dame. I contacted the department that would be taking on the collection and told them to request the origins of each of the animals before taking them. Since many are endangered I told them it would be ethically wise to see if any of the animals were taken illegally or poached and it would be a bit embarrassing for them to be displaying animals that were taken in this way.


The Federal Railroad Administration is giving the South Dakota DOT $1 million for an analysis and crossing safety study in the Sioux Falls area.

Hopefully this will result in many of the crossings DTSF to be closed and rerouted. We have far too much train traffic DTSF and I’m glad to see the agency in charge of regulating them will actually be regulating them.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Pools, Handouts, Crime, Studies & Lenin’s Tomb of Dead Monkeys”
  1. Scott, take a look at the Great Plains Zoo face book page, scroll down to the “Great Plains Zoo and Butterfly House partnership post – they are appearing to gloat, and showboat the people on how they got away with the lies and deceit of the public to build this new concept in the Museum. People need to stand up to the City government here. The City Council needs to take a stand and hold these corrupted officials accountable. In the post, we see who is behind all this – The Zoo, the Parks Department, Becky Dewitz, the Chamber of Commerce, the Mayor Office. They have large money backing this corrupt concept. And lets remember, in 2022, the plan was to create a partnership between the Zoo, the Butterfly House, and Aquarium to build a new building at Sertoma Park. However, a year later, in 2023, just as the City was about to repair and rebuild the “HVAC Unit” at the Delbridge Museum, all of a sudden they conceive the plan to close the Museum based on lies and deceit that the “Animals” posed a grave threat to society due to the Arsenic that was used to preserve them. This was common knowledge, as prior 1980, this was how taxidermy was preserved. And for more than 50 years, not one resident got sick from these animals, not at West Sioux Hardware nor at the Zoo. Let’s also remember, the citizens of Sioux Falls in 1983 agreed to borrow $2.5 million to build the building to house Local Taxidermy Collection, and as a Community, we had agreed to use local tax dollars to maintain them, preserve them, and present them to the public. The largest collection of private taxidermy in the world, and this city government has to lie to the public to stir panic, as the means of removing them from the building, cause a few wealthy business owners and developers want them gone. The City does not have to do this, they know they are wrong, but yet they continue to push a narrative that is full of lies. And the city council will not take a stand against this, they sit back, quietly allowing the Mayors Appointed Task force to give them a recommendation, a recommendation designed to push the lies.

  2. But this is a town with a $55 Burger Battle burger, so we must be doing something right. LOLs

  3. Only a week until fascism, are you prepared? If only it was just a movie. Life is stranger than fiction. A convicted felon, who wants to be a dictator (“But just for the first day” (?)), will be asked to uphold our Constitution, but who will hold up our country?

  4. Donald Trump is not a dictator, he is not a convicted fellon, he is not a fascist. You Democrats need to stop spreading lies…

  5. You’re right, he’s not a convicted “fellon”. He’s a convicted felon. AND, he won’t be a dictator until January 20th. You are right again. Also, Democrats don’t spread lies, rather they deal in facts and have Spell Check to help them when needed.

  6. Oh, I forgot the fascism part. Let’s just say that when you want to shoot demonstrators in the leg and you rely upon unmarked federal forces to protect federal grounds, then you just might be a fa………. #KentState #Kristallnacht

  7. Rapid City had very low crime for 2024. It’s also Home Rule Charter Nazi. Why is crime so rampant in Sioux Falls? Sounds to me like there must be a crime focused mayor and a better police force.

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