As DJT tried to kiss his wife as he entered the rotunda today her hat prevented him from connecting, which I am sure was intentional on her part, LOL. Wasn’t the first time a HAT upstaged an inauguration.

By l3wis

13 thoughts on “The Return of the ‘HAT’”
  1. It’s as though ‘Holly Golightly’ has returned and she knows how to control one of her customers. #$50ForThePowderRoom #SingSing #MeetingSallyTomatoEveryWednesday

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Yah, but I do love the real Audrey, just like Dua….. AND, I really love this movie opening ” …. ( …. “If only what is going on now was only a move”…. 🙁 …… ))

  2. The darkness of her entire outfit speaks of the chaotic fascism to follow… But was it the weather, or the fear of drones that brought the Orange Menace inside? Black and orange, orange and black, like Halloween, Jason is back.

  3. “Say, on another note, has Trump got rid of the Mexican Pizza, yet?”….. #IHopeNot #SouthOfTheBorder #GiveMePizzaOrGiveMeDeath

  4. If the emoluments clause and the insurrection clause of the Constitution don’t apply to President Sally Tomato, then why should the clause that talks about only two terms? #WeNeedAPresidentOfConvictionsNotOneWithConvictions #BananaRepublicSupremeCourt #PresidentialImmunity #KentStateTwoThreeHowAboutFour #JustShootThemInTheLeg #FederalForcesWithoutBadges

  5. Leonard Peltier is finally going home, while 47 is going to the big house, when the latter should really be going to another “Big House.” Clinton once hinted at pardoning Peltier, but Janklow said “No.” AND then, there was that intersection south of Flandreau. What goes around comes around, they say, but when will the people get their turn or final say?

  6. President Sally Tomato claims he was saved by God. So, God must have a warped sense of humor.

  7. They committed an insurrection, attempted to disrupt a democratic process, they injured police in an attempt to achieve their political insurrection, and then they were pardoned later by one who they tried to keep in power. This full circle reality of the January 6th insurrectionists is exhibit-A, that we now have a president who is a fascist. Those who think some of us use that word too loosely need to begin by explaining how those who injured police officers should have been pardoned. Noem, and soon Rhoden, Thune, Rounds, and Dusty need to answer, NOW, NOW, how these pardons are not the pardons of a fascist president.


  8. If only Mayor McCheese was a billionaire, too, then he could have been amongst the Rotunda crowd as well.

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