Theresa Stehly is running against Vernon for the at Large SF City Council seat.
Just so everyone (ahem) knows, I promised Theresa I would refrain from doing cartoons about her race against Vernon Brown (even though he will probably supply more fodder then one can resist – who can forget the ‘I have a dream speech’ during one of the indoor pool debates – yeah civil rights have a lot to do with swimming?!) The reason I am refraining is for two reasons: 1) I’m supporting and endorsing Theresa for the seat, and it would not be fair to the other candidates running 2) I’m sure The Larry Craig of cartooning will have plenty of his own toons about her that will be so offbase and ridiculous it will help her campaign. But mark my words, if Vernon loses, I will dedicate a whole week to the city council candidate gaffs during the campaign.