Did The Sioux Falls Chamber & Experience Sioux Falls (CVB) agree to split?

Not sure. While rumors are going around that a decision to split was made very recently, nobody has said a word publicly, but the Sioux Falls City Council got an update about the possible decision at the 4 PM informational today in which a presentation involving the Falls Park Visitor Center Management Agreement was discussed and these changes;

9 month Term: January 1, 2022 – September 30, 2022
• Discussions are on-going between the Chamber and Experience Sioux Falls regarding potential
separate legal status for Experience Sioux Falls.

• 9/30/21 coincides with the end of the Chambers fiscal year.
• 60 day termination clause exercisable by City, which allows for transition of agreement once an
effective date of separate legal status is determined.

This was first presented at the Parks Board Meeting on November 17, but it was also very sketchy as to what was going on. They called it ‘legal status’ changes between the Chamber and CVB and are having ongoing discussions. Terri Schmidt, head of ESF (CVB) did say;

“ESF becoming independent from the Chamber, that process is really moving along now, and tomorrow there is a major meeting where we are expecting to probably either seal the deal, or being really close to sealing the deal. I don’t know if anyone on the outside will really know the difference, it will be more of back house of becoming independent.”

While NOTHING was said by the presenter at the informational about why this is occurring, the council, who must certainly know, has also chosen to keep this quiet or at least not filling in the blanks. Council Chair Curt Soehl even bragged about keeping it quiet and secretive by saying this at the end of the meeting;

“Thank all those involved for keeping their eye on the ball and realizing there is a lot of external noise going on at this time, for all of this, and to protect the city from everything they do.”

I find it interesting that the council is being publicly noticed about contract changes but during the presentation the public cannot be filled in on the details of a possible split. The hatred towards transparency in this city is even more troubling especially when the chair of the council brags about the secrecy. WOW! Surprised he didn’t just take a potty break during the presentation 🙁

It seems the head of ESF is the only one to at least give an inkling this was going to happen. So was a deal struck last Thursday? We may never know because of all the ‘External Noise.’

I also have a feeling if this was a simple matter of ‘back house’ deals and ‘legal status’ it wouldn’t be that controversial to release that information to the public, especially since it involves our tax dollars. I have a feeling this was a lot messier than they are putting on and they are hiding the sausage making from the citizens.

UPDATE: Experience Sioux Falls ‘Covid Tourism’ still rolling

Looks like they are still promoting covid tourism in Sioux Falls using $250K of our taxdollars that were funneled thru the CVB to Mayor TenHaken’s former(?) ad agency, Click Rain. Not only is promoting tourism during a raging pandemic completely idiotic and stupid, you question the recipients of this contract.

So it seems councilor Erickson’s casual plea to the CVB to put the promotion on hold went no where, as I suspected.

Maybe people should ask Paul tomorrow night on his FB live feed if he is benefitting in anyway from this dubious transfer of money?

UPDATE: During Paul’s fireside chat tonight he talked about political division in our community and blamed Facebook and told people they should spend less time on Facebook. Ironically, he was telling us this while rolling a live video on Facebook. I know, the guy enjoys tripping over himself. I have often suggested that the mayor, any mayor of Sioux Falls, should have a weekly press conference, stream it on YouTube and take questions from the press, just talking about the weekly business of the city. 15 minutes of agenda, 15 minutes of questions (and give the media a microphone so we can hear their questions). I agree, stop playing FB games and take your job seriously.

In other news, I see that the South Dakota Fascist Republican Party’s chair, Iowa Dan will be replacing Noem as a presidential elector, it seems Noem is in Washington at some dumbass Trump rallies (someone should really tell these children he lost the election 5 weeks ago)

UPDATE: I guess this is untrue, not sure where she is? The rumor going around is that she is quarantining due to her exposure to Covid this past week. If Noem has Covid or is just simply playing it safe by quarantining I wonder if she will ever tell the public?

I wonder if they have to meet in Jason Ravnsborg’s basement on Monday to vote? Can a Iowa businessman even be a South Dakota Elector? Oh, nevermind, SD Republicans are not real big on rules, ethics, morality, truthfulness, open government or high IQ’s.

Sioux Falls City Councilor Erickson’s suggestion about pausing Covid tourism is just a ruse

FF to 3:36:00

As I suspected after Christine brought this up in the council meeting Tuesday night, there really is no effort to pause the program called ‘Sioux Falls Alive’. Not only is the website still chugging away but I saw an electronic billboard today (you know the kind you can turn off like a light switch) promoting the program. I have also heard from DaCola Foot Soldiers that still blow their money on cable TV the ads are still playing.

To be fair, though it grinds me, Erickson said they wouldn’t pause the program until AFTER Thanksgiving (which just seems pointless).

So while we are flat out lying to the citizens about pausing this ungodly $250K taxpayer expenditure that got funneled to Mayor TenHaken’s former(?) ad agency Click Rain we are throwing $20K towards the health department to educate the public about what we shouldn’t be doing during this pandemic. Maybe they will wait to educate us after Thanksgiving so couple 100 more people could die first.

As suspected, it probably wasn’t that easy to turn off the faucet because contracts were signed. And I suspect even after turkey day, the website will still be rolling and the ads will still be running like gravy down your uncle’s mouth (or Rudy’s sideburns).

But this should have NEVER happened to begin with. This was just a Hail Mary to the CVB and it’s subsequent contractors and had little to do about doing the right thing. Once again, like most leadership from City Hall and Carnegie these days, it’s all about the Benjamins and little else.

CVB & Hoteliers talk ‘BID TAX’ on Air BNB

I guess the CVB had a luncheon (today?) and a little birdy told me the discussion quickly went to how Air BNB is hurting the hotel industry in Sioux Falls and maybe it is time to start charging them a Bid Tax.

Gee. I wonder whose idea that was? Probably some idiot blogger.

The operators of Air BNB already have skirted paying other lodging taxes (they pay sales taxes) and avoid the same health inspections Hotels, Motels and Bed & Breakfasts have to endure.

Maybe it was just idle bitching, but I have never known the leader of the CVB to remain idle to long.