Drinking Liberally

Drinking Liberally Update (Oct 18, 2024)

To give you, our faithful readers, a leg up in this week’s contest, here is a peek at one of tonight’s questions:  “Fact or Crap”? Since August 1st, reversing a long-term trend, the South Dakota Democratic Party (SDDP)  has added almost 1500 Democrats to the State’s voter roll………Fact!!! It may be a baby step, but at least it’s movement in the right direction in the absolute sense.  Congratulations to Dan Ahlers, the SDDP’s Executive Director, and the SDDP’s leadership.  But, before euphoria sets in, you might want to compare the Democratic increase in registrants to the over 6000 registrants the Republican Party added to the State’s voter roll over the same period of time. 

I have been encouraged by some Democrats to be more positive, so on the positive side, voters may be choosing the Republican party 4 to 1 over the Democratic party when they register to vote but at least Democrats are gaining not losing voters anymore.

In Politics: Nationally: The race for President is too close to give anyone comfort. The very thought that Donald Trump might win makes me ill. 

I have turned to tequila for its beneficial characteristics. 

In Politics: South Dakota: The South Dakota Democratic Party (SDDP) finally issued an October press release. It properly honored Senator Tim Johnson, who passed on October 9th, for his service to South Dakota and our Country. Senator Johnson truly was a steady ship on the rough political seas of our times. Selfless, honest  and hardworking seem universal accolades in everyone’s tributes to him. His leadership will be missed. It seems we have lost too many leaders in the last year or so, Jim Abourzek, Harvey Wollman, Jack Billion, Jim Burg, and now Tim Johnson.

Drinking Liberally Update (8/23/24)

In Politics: Democratic National Convention ended last night and by all accounts it was a home run, including the acceptance speech of the Democratic Presidential Nominee, Vice-President Kamala Harris. Vice-President Harris. The Convention as a whole painted the picture of a Democratic Party firmly grounded in the mainstream of American life, supporting the rule of law and working for the betterment of every American in contrast to a Republican Party representing the selfish interests of billionaires, their nominee, 34 time convicted felon, Donald Trump, and members of Country Clubs everywhere. As Michelle Obama said on Tuesday night, it is time to “do something”. 

In Politics: In South Dakota: I still wait for signs of a campaign, any campaign by South Dakota Democratic candidates and the South Dakota Democratic Party (SDDP). SDDP leadership was at the Democratic Convention in Chicago and the delegation members had their picture taken here and there.

Hopefully, besides pictures, they will bring back a plan to change the SDDP’s fortunes. Lord knows, as the Chart below demonstrates, the SDDP has been going in the wrong direction for a long time.

And, as if the Chart doesn’t say enough about the current state of the SDDP and its leadership, after candidate resignations, they are contesting only 48 of South Dakota’s legislative seats, the same number as in 2022, a number a few months ago Shane Merrel, SDDP Chair, bragged about increasing to 52 this year as a sign of the SDDP’s progress.

It is time for them to stop talking about what they are going to do and “do something”.