
Does Mayor Huether think he is a Saint now?


What God would look like if he got his hair cut every 5 1/2 days and had a business acumen.

He recently changed his BIO (where he still doesn’t admit to previously being the chief salesman for the worst predatory credit card in the nation) but the last line got me to thinking;

In his “spare” time, Mayor Mike enjoys tennis, running, working outdoors, is an avid hunter, and creates as many God-given memories in life as possible.

First off, like how he put parentheses around the word spare. But my bigger question is how do you ‘create’ God given memories if God is giving them to you? I’m no literature or grammar major, but someone seems to have a saint complex.

*Also, correct me if I am wrong, but it seems his daughter has changed positions at Sanford.

Coalition of Reason (Guest Post)

On August 20th, the South Dakota Coalition of Reason officially launched by putting up seven billboards around the state proclaiming, “Don’t believe in God? Join the club!” These billboard are located in Sioux Falls (2), along I-29 S (mile marker 93.8), Vermillion, Brookings, Rapid City, and Spearfish.

The campaign is part of a national campaign by the United Coalition of Reason. Since 2009, similar campaigns have been launched in 33 states and the District of Columbia. Each campaign is sponsored by a multi-organizational coalition of local non-theistic groups. The South Dakota Coalition of Reason is made up of the following local groups: Siouxland Freethinkers (Sioux Falls), Black Hills Freethinkers (Rapid City), Brookings Freethinkers, and Secular Student Alliance groups at SDSU, SDSM&T, USD, & BHSU.

We put the billboards up to speak to the secular freethinkers in South Dakota. Our message is to let them know that they are not alone, and that there are groups all across the state that they can join to meet like-minded individuals and participate in a variety of events and activities, such as social get togethers, volunteer work, and advocacy. Being an atheist or freethinker in South Dakota can be extremely isolating, so reaching out is the main purpose of our campaign.

The billboards also serve to bring awareness and acceptance. Non-theists are a regular part of communities all across South Dakota, as well as all across the nation. We are your friends and family; we’re people that you already know. We’re no different than anyone else – we laugh, love, celebrate, work, and experience life.
Overall, the reaction to these billboards has been overwhelmingly positive, although they have also sparked much debate. We look forward to having open respectful discussions with those who have different world views than us.

If you are an atheist, agnostic, humanist, skeptic, or freethinker in South Dakota – go to our website, SouthDakotaCoR.org or find us on Facebook and connect with like-minded individuals. Chances are there’s a group near you and we would love to have you join us.

Amanda Novotny President,

Siouxland Freethinkers East River Media Representative,

South Dakota CoR

St. Joseph’s Cathedral remodel almost complete

I have been very excited about this for a long time and have posted about it several times.

I have always been a fan of liturgical art and have a nice kitschy collection of my own. I guess the art restoration company that worked on it used turkey feathers to paint the columns to make them look like marble. I guess because 1) real marble columns are probably really freaking expensive, and 2) Kinda hard to replace them without using really gigantic jacks. I can’t wait to see the final project.

Hookers or Cake

I would like to thank friend Jade Bos for sending me a copy of his book, Hookers or Cake today. It was a nice surprise on a shitty cold day like today. I have already read half of it. It is a sad, true, LMFAO tribute to nothingness. And the drawlings are cool to.

Check out his very fun site.

Check out Kickstarter.com a fantastic site that helps fund startup artists like Jade.

That’s my positive post for the week. Get over yourself.