
Give me some of that old time liberal sickness

“The darkness of liberal sickness is rising. One cannot ignore, however, that it is precisely this sickness that inevitably will strengthen the conservative delegation.”

BahahahahahahBawha! Boy those neocons will say anything for a good f’ing laugh. Well, if liberalism is a sickness, conservatism under GW Bush has been a terminal cancer. The conservatives don’t get it. Obama won this election because he campaigned to EVERYONE. This country does have a large percentage of conservative bible-bumping witch doctors, but it is hardly the majority. Most Americans are moderate couch potatoes. Period.

Apparently this jackass has a crystal ball;

Barack Obama has won the White House with nothing more than one promise after another, hollow as they might be, unattainable without question and irresponsible. Obama has made many promises to many people that a person with any common sense concludes that his promises cannot be obtained.

Though I will partially agree with Lance that a lot of campaign promises can never be kept I do think Obama wants to put as much on the table as possible and see what happens. It’s called trying different things to see what works, unlike idiot boy wonder – stay the course – GW Bush.

Liberals are only tolerant to those with like minds.

Really? Moderates and independents who voted for Obama didn’t seem to think so. I think you are talking about neo-con bigotry. Liberals believe in unity not predjudice.

I cannot compromise my intellectual integrity.

Oh, but you already have by continuing to believe the neo-conservative myth that most voting Americans are just like you. Keep the dream alive man, we could use Obama for 8 years.

Post of the Living Dead (ZW minus 1)

I thought since this might be the last chance Ihave to post before Z-Day, I might as well dedicate it to my second favorite zombie of all time. My most favorite being Bub, from Romero’s Day of the Dead.

My second favorite zombie of all time is known throughout the world, has starred in dozens of feature films and has had so many books written about him they dedicate entire libraries to them. You could say he’s worshipped by millions. I am , of course, talking about Zombie Jesus. I’ll cover the facts as we know them, and leave the rest up to you all to figure out.
Fact #1. Jesus was crucified, died, buried, and then ROSE FROM THE DEAD.

Acts 2:24 – But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.

Fact #2. He encouraged zombie like behavior.

John 6:53 – Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you”.

I don’t know about you guys, but something tells me its going to take more than a shovel to the head to put this one down.

Jesus Christ Zombie Lord