City of Sioux Falls budget address
“My CIP portion of the budget will include $100 for Harry Potter books.”
“My CIP portion of the budget will include $100 for Harry Potter books.”
While I think books like this are silly (the quickest way to get rich in America is to screw people over – and our mayor would know all about this previously working for one of the worst predatory CC companies in the nation) I am even more surprised he gave this ‘gift’ to his fellow lawmakers on the taxpayer’s dime;
Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether has recommended some reading to the city council. Huether gave members of the City Council each a copy of the book “The Millionaire Next Door,” a book he’s given often as a gift, he said during a City Council meeting Monday. The book summarizes findings from research into the key characteristics that explain how the elite club of millionaires have become “wealthy,” according to
Huether signed each book with the inscription, “Thank you for helping me balance ‘progress with prudence.’ “
City money was used to pay for the book, Huether said.
Um, am I missing something here? You talk about prudence, then you turnaround and buy a self-help book with my tax dollars? If you think this is such a great (personal) read, pony up. You didn’t have a problem with spending $240,000 dollars on beating a good man into the ground, so why would $100 bucks of your own dough hurt you, especially after signing a book that you didn’t write?
Hubris?! MY GOD!