Lalley Podcast; Ep 2

Patrick Lalley started a new podcast this week! Good to see you back Pat!
Celebrating Pat’s gig on the radio. It was great seeing old friends tonight going back to those delicate times of Tempest. BTW, the service at JJ’s was fantastic!
I will be on Pat’s show for the last time at 4:30 today. KSOO AM 1000. Hopefully I can keep it clean. LOL.
Next week is Pat’s last on KSOO AM 1000.
Before the speculation begins, Pat left on his own accord to start a new full-time job.
I’m saddened by this. While his first few weeks were a bit shaky, I really felt he grew into the new position. He was truly an independent voice in SF political radio. There was only one other local political show, and it, well, sucks. Same old RUSH talking points and the same half-dozen callers telling us how we need to be wing-nuts or we are going to Hell.
I hope KSOO replaces Pat with a similar independent moderate. And if they do, please change the time to 4-6 PM so we don’t have to wait for the Twins games to be over with.
Pat talks about the topics at the beginning of his show.
We have been reviewing the documents and coming to some conclusions on the election.