Protest at Rounds office
Tuesday 02/06/17 • 12 noon.
Against Betsy DeVoss nomination.
320 N Main Ave., Suite A
Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Protest should gather in front of building and gather more information. Peacefully assemble. Bring signs. Behave yourself. Comply with police. Send someone to his office to bring staff/clipboards to the protestors to leave statements.

Share details, tell any media contacts. Don’t give anyone a reason to criticize our methods, only our ideas.

Funny for a guy who weaseled his way out of the EB-5 scandals, he sure is paranoid of who is calling him. I even cracked a joke the other night, the reason I like being involved in local government is because I can call my local lawmakers (city and county) and they will talk to me about concerns, where if you have to get a hold of our DC delegation – good luck. Now it appears, Rounds is doing background checks on people who just want to ask him a question. Super creepy;

But Ellis smelled something else fishy about Senator Rounds’s response. It was addressed to Ellis by her full name, including her middle name, which she did not give over the phone. It was sent to her son’s e-mail address, which she did not provide to the Senator’s staff. Ellis’s son has never provided that e-mail address to Senator Rounds’s office; Ellis says her son has never contacted any elected official and has zero political involvement. (She’s working on changing that.)

Curious, Ellis called the office back. She asked about her son’s e-mail address; Rounds staff couldn’t explain how that address had gotten into their system. She asked about the use of her middle name; Rounds staff said something about how birth certificates are public record.

Umm… really? The South Dakota Department of Health says birth records are not open for public inspection. You can’t just go browsing birth certificates; you have to file an application and pay a fee.

This is the kind of crazy 1984 crap these people believe in. I warned people about how twisted Mr. Rounds was when he was running for senate, and it seems it continues.


Like a broken record, should it surprise us that an insurance salesman has no clue about the KKK and White Supremacy? He goes as far as running to the Safe Room called ‘Stormland-Sick Kids-Thune’s press office-TV’ to clean up this mess;

Today the Huffington Post went to great lengths to manipulate Senator Rounds’ remarks and take them out of context. Rounds believes it was a mistake for Trump not to disavow the KKK immediately, a key point of the conversation conveniently left out of the quote being misrepresented and the key element missing from the Huffington Post’s “story.”

Oh, we got the point, but to say this is the pot sticker Marion;

Even if you’re disappointed with the way he’s responding to things, even if you’re mad at him, you disagree with him, if he did it intentionally — I don’t think he did, I think he just made a mistake — even if he did, they’re still going to do a better job with him there than if you had Hillary or Bernie in his place.

Because you know, a racist POS is way better, and hey, if you can get the white power folk to vote for Trump, more power to them (no pun intended).

Okay, I know what you are thinking, Detroit is at it again with his Christmas list. But to tell you the truth, that has been off my radar. Why? Well, because Mike did his smooth sailing to his Senate seat, so I figured, “Never happen.”

And it may not, but there has been quite a bit of chatter about it.

I had a good chuckle, because like I said, these things don’t come easily. So I picked the brains of some connected Republicans in the state about the possibility. They didn’t know anything about pending indictments, but this comment sticks out from one of them, “Lobbyists in Washington consider Rounds as TOXIC because of EB-5.”

Yeah, let’s talk ‘toxicity’. His two terms as governor were plenty toxic for me.