
SDDP Rebuild, Vermillion meeting, Dec 14, 2016

Oh look, let’s see what’s behind the curtain, nothing but excuses, promises and bluster in Vermillion, SD. Try they might, the “established” SD Democratic Party continues to hold listening sessions. These sessions are comprised of mostly listening the same crap from the same people. It’s as if the Listening Tour of the party brass is being done to convince those in attendance to give them one more chance. Why?

Notice how Cameraman Bruce captured the party chairwoman blathering on about how great the leadership did. What? Where? The people who won and the winning ballot issues happened in spite of the things they did. The audience did not show up to hear central office excuses or rationalizations for continuing the crappy job being done.

Several candidates stood and talked but it appears they got little or no help in coordinating anything. Local efforts received no storefronts, no legwork, no leaving Sioux Falls office and no use of offered services they could not control. The only thing they were able to do is lose seats in the legislature in and election and cause the loss of the Democratic stronghold District 15 senate seat. Nice work and they all got raises.

The party could not even get together to build a bowel movement much less flush any corruption down a toilet. There are words for the show they are putting on and we don’t think this is the place for them.

Playing Facebook games and ignoring sage advice from people who have actually won elections is not going to bring the SD Democratic Party back to life. The only consolation to this dog and pony show is knowing the SD Republican Party is heading down the same path and they do not seem to recognize it.

The Governor needs to take the wax out of his ears

After reading the budget address story in the Gargoyle Leader, I dove into a tiny little article buried on page 9A and not available online (that’s where the Liberal media puts their important stories I guess) the article detailed how Dems have been after Marion M. Rounds for three years about limiting the growth of State Government (you know, all those unneeded no-bid contracts to friends and family he has secretly deguised as FTE’s), but as usual, Mike refuses to listen to anyone but his inner greed and arrogance;

For three years, Democrats have tried to hold state government to the 3 percent budget increases allowed schools and counties, and we couldn’t get support,” said Dem Ben Nesselhuf of Vermillion, “If we’d been doing that for three years, maybe we’d have money.”

Democratic Rep. Bernie Hunhuff of Yankton also voiced concern about the property tax increase;

It could sow the seeds for another property tax revolt, and we don’t want that.

Get out the pitchforks and torches I guess.

I think Minority leader Scott Heidepriem of Sioux Falls, District 13, where I live, said it best when he called the governor’s budget “Cynical”

I guess I wouldn’t have had a problem with expanding state government if government services have become better, in fact they are either the same or worse since Rounds has taken office. Just look at the vehicle registration fiasco. So where did the millions go? This is about helping friends out, and now that he has broken the bank, he continues his state of denial and promises more cuts to education, salaries and road construction while failing to put his hand out to our new president who vows to ramp up infrastructure and domestic spending. Once again SD Republican leaders have proven the best way to fix problems is to tax and spend instead of making cuts.

More taxpayer money wasted on consultants

I have often wondered if I am in the wrong line of business – I think I want to become a consultant in our state.

“We have quite a few communities on board, with commitments so far totaling around $130,000,”

The coalition, which includes representatives from Watertown to Elk Point, hopes to raise $200,000 for its study.

One I-29 community that has committed financial support is Madison, which has pledged $25,000 from the city and the local economic development corporation,

He also is asking the state of South Dakota to contribute $50,000 toward the study.

I do think the study is a worthy cause, but I wonder why it can’t be done by city and state employees or contracted through both of our universites that already get state money. It seems we are quick to hire outsiders all the time.

Fire up the government burn barrel.