South DaCola

I guess Pity Pat’s letter about addiction and other BS didn’t sway the judge


BTW, that’s a CIGAR he is smoking, not a blunt.

Not sure if you saw a post on Dakota Wuss College yesterday, but Pity Pat thought he needed to sway a judge’s decision by writing a letter to the judge that was sentencing Bob Newland (oh nevermind, he deleted the post so I couldn’t link his silliness – you are so clever PP, no wonder Munsterman hired you).

But it turns out, the judge was quite lenient on Newland;

Delaney suspended all but 45 days of the sentence however, any violation of the terms of his sentence will send Newland to jail for the full year.

I thought this quote from one of Newland’s supporter said it all;

“This just shows how silly the law is, said Newland supporter Curtis Price as he left the courtroom. Price was relieved Newland did not receive a prison sentence.

“I feel bad for law enforcement,” he added. “They have to carry out laws that are about politics and not reality.”

You ain’t kidding. Pot is harmless and has great medicinal purposes, and most intelligent people know that (of course that excludes Brookings County Republicans).

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