Fence around the Dudley House is just a developer scam

UPDATE: During the meeting last night the Chancellor of the Catholic Diocese came up to podium to answer questions. He basically said that the city wants the entire lot (including the building) in 5 years for a construction staging area (to build the convention center). It is always amazing when folks from non-profits come to the podium and tell us the ‘REAL’ reason this is happening. I’m sure it took awhile for him to pull his foot from his mouth and the mayor’s boot from his behind.

The city council in all their ‘wussiness’ deferred the fence to March 4th. Much of the public input tonight was about how horrible of an idea this was and the council knew in all of their weakness if they passed this tonight all Hell would break loose, so they did what a gutless body of government does, kick the can down the road. They like to do this. I call them the ‘Hand Wringing’ council. This is what you get when no one has challengers and they take money from the elitist class. If you think the council works for you, please let me in on the good stuff you are smoking.

They want to have a neighborhood meeting (which is code for we want justification for our YES votes). City government is so predictable I thought about starting an online gambling site betting on their decisions. I would make millions!

But the kicker tonight wasn’t about giving a religious organization worth billions of dollars a fence, it was about a lease deal to take over the property, and guess what that is for? A convention center.

I gotta tell yah Pastor Poops, the Convention Center will fail, HUGE! Why? Because you have never completed anything in the public sector except F’cking things up. You have ZERO leadership skills, and you are kind of a jerk! You are also very angry, which I don’t understand. How is it a family man with a successful business and regular church attendance worth millions can be so stressed? Weird.

So in an attempt to move the shelter the city came up with this complex plan to build a fence.

If I just remove myself from this community and look at this from an exterior lens, it is pretty obvious what is going on here.

It’s not about a fence, it is about the ‘SNAKES’ in city hall trying to shove a convention center down our throats. Any councilor who votes for this will never recover. Trust me on this. Make the BDH pay for this. It is their property and they can do what they want.

Peeps are worn out and poor

I want to first say, that I do cover national politics on occasion, but my passion is local politics, and this post will be about both, in unison.

I also want to politely say if I post something local, don’t put in comments about national government. We know the current administration is corrupt, not sure how we can beat that dead horse? I want to talk local. There is more corruption here then we know what to do with, and we can make a difference. In Washington, not so much.

So I took a wonderful trip to Wyoming this past holiday weekend. It was unique, and much fun. In fact, what made the trip fun was the fact the peeps in a town of 2K know how to roll out the red carpet, that is stained, worn out and broken. On the twelve hour journey to and back all I saw was poor worn out people who have just given up the fight. It was really sad, and at one point in my hotel room, I cried for these folks. I grew up poor, or at least what I was told, it is not fun, and can make you resist and do stupid things.

I am seeing a different America, a country controlled by those with money, while driving these folks into the ground. It infuriates me! Why is it that people who are broken financially and emotionally still get up in the morning for the grind?! Because they have no other choice. Nothing.

For a long time I was baffled why anybody sane would vote for Trump, but it was abundantly clear after this weekend why they voted for him, they are broken, worn out and poor, and they looked at this populist fake as their savior.

In government, you can only save yourself.

Why did the Brockhouse Collection deteriorate so fast?

That’s a great question, from the last inspection from the private consultant;

As the council votes to give away the collection tonight, in which they will, they have to ask what the Hell was the Zoo doing to eliminate this collection purposely. Also there is a referendum circulating that needs about 7,600 valid sigs in 20 days to save the collection.

Also, I heard 4 councilors were set to save the collection but feared the mayor would break the tie so they just voted YES. WHY?! If you are opposed to something, don’t consult with the mayor, consult with your fellow councilors and VOTE NO. I have always felt a NO vote is way more impactful because you force government to go back to the drawing board and come up with a better solution. So if you feel you need to vote NO, just do it. The public would respect you more if you stuck to your principles.

1st Amendment 1, Mayor 0.

During the council meeting tonight I was able to speak on the gifting audit (FF: 2:17:00). I first want to clarify, what I was talking about is what the city GIFTS to non-profits and this is NOT what the audit is for, so yeah, I was off topic, but no councilor corrected me. The audit is for gifts given to the city that have value, like the Brockhouse Animals. But I still think it was a pertinent topic to address in the same wheelhouse, the city giving millions away to non-profits with little accountability. Once again, just like clockwork the mayor tried to shut down my testimony because I was off topic. Well this time, the mayor got a tongue lashing from me, and when he tried another bite at the apple, he received another lashing, then sat back in his chair like the weak, ineffective leader he is. Maybe he brushed up on his 1st Amendment rights before the meeting, but I think he knows he was soundly beat, because I can almost taste that 1st Amendment lawsuit. Keep it up Poops, my list of people you interrupted is growing by the day, and they are a great bunch, might even say they are CLASS ACTION, uh I mean, CLASS ACTS.

I also spoke during public input (FF: 2:32:00) about the tax scheme the city tried to pull on citizens in the legislature for that stupid Riversh!t Pisstrict. I think I said it was a ‘snakey’ move. Which now I look back on and wonder why I don’t prepare my testimony like Chad Bishop. Oh, that’s right, it takes hours to research conspiracy theory sites and pull this together, I ain’t got time for that, meeting some friends for pizza in a basement to trade Chomsky and Marx books.

Lally Cooler is gonna Lally Cost Yah

So with only announcing the headliners and NO opening acts, the Pavilion is attempting to sell tickets to an event no one knows much about;

I often assumed that the event was going to be FREE like JazzFest or at a greatly reduced price. If you would have opened it to the masses you would have made up the entry fees in beer money. Also, this is supposed to be some kind of anniversary celebration for the Pavilion, and after heisting millions from taxpayers over the years in taxes and subsidies you would think they would put on a backyard party for us for FREE. But that is not how it works at the WashSnotty Pavilion, we can only reward those who supported us, you know, families that can afford to drop $1,000 a night watching a Broadway Musical. Can’t wait to hear what they charge for a 12oz. Monday Light? I wonder if the Pavilion will have ‘Event Funding’ so you can pay for your beer and ticket with monthly payments? Just don’t take the bike trail to the event, you will end up in the river 🙁