Fence around the Dudley House is just a developer scam
UPDATE: During the meeting last night the Chancellor of the Catholic Diocese came up to podium to answer questions. He basically said that the city wants the entire lot (including the building) in 5 years for a construction staging area (to build the convention center). It is always amazing when folks from non-profits come to the podium and tell us the ‘REAL’ reason this is happening. I’m sure it took awhile for him to pull his foot from his mouth and the mayor’s boot from his behind.
The city council in all their ‘wussiness’ deferred the fence to March 4th. Much of the public input tonight was about how horrible of an idea this was and the council knew in all of their weakness if they passed this tonight all Hell would break loose, so they did what a gutless body of government does, kick the can down the road. They like to do this. I call them the ‘Hand Wringing’ council. This is what you get when no one has challengers and they take money from the elitist class. If you think the council works for you, please let me in on the good stuff you are smoking.
They want to have a neighborhood meeting (which is code for we want justification for our YES votes). City government is so predictable I thought about starting an online gambling site betting on their decisions. I would make millions!
But the kicker tonight wasn’t about giving a religious organization worth billions of dollars a fence, it was about a lease deal to take over the property, and guess what that is for? A convention center.
I gotta tell yah Pastor Poops, the Convention Center will fail, HUGE! Why? Because you have never completed anything in the public sector except F’cking things up. You have ZERO leadership skills, and you are kind of a jerk! You are also very angry, which I don’t understand. How is it a family man with a successful business and regular church attendance worth millions can be so stressed? Weird.
So in an attempt to move the shelter the city came up with this complex plan to build a fence.
If I just remove myself from this community and look at this from an exterior lens, it is pretty obvious what is going on here.
It’s not about a fence, it is about the ‘SNAKES’ in city hall trying to shove a convention center down our throats. Any councilor who votes for this will never recover. Trust me on this. Make the BDH pay for this. It is their property and they can do what they want.