Sioux Falls Parks and Rec


UPDATE III: As I predicted most of these plastic thingies have been removed or destroyed by vehicles. Shocker! I Know. Just yesterday the last one remaining in front of the post office was ran over by a mail carrier big rig. He didn’t completely destroy it, but he broke one of the pieces. Absolute stupidity. Do we even have a traffic engineer that studies industry standards and keeps abreast? Doubtful.

UPDATE II: As you can see, cars are already hitting and damaging these devices, and they have only been on the street for a couple of weeks. I think this will end badly, mark my words.

UPDATE: As I suspected they are using these bands in the wrong way, they are for protected bike lanes;

Bicycle lanes should feel safe and inviting. But that doesn’t mean they have to be eyesores. The Wave Delineator accomplishes this by quickly and easily creating protected bike lanes, while providing a visually appealing alternative to its traffic cone and flex post counterparts. Ideal for temporary pop-up bike lanes during day- or week-long events, or when communities want to pilot a location for a longer-term protected bikeway.

Now that I have your attention I really wanted to talk about the city’s traffic calming efforts. While I get how this works, these white bands are actually not only a hazard to passing car they are also to bicyclists who are trying to navigate around these contraptions. I am all for the other stuff, but not this floating thingy that I have almost hit twice now. The city has a bad habit of doing this all over town, building pedestrian crossings where the curb slopes are NOT cut out and other hazards like barriers, light posts, weird angles, etc. Can’t wait to see this wrapped around someone’s driveshaft.

We need to educate drivers on pedestrian safety. This city needs to drop about $500K on driver education thru a multiple media platforms. We can paint every intersection like Willy Wonka, but until drivers wakeup, doesn’t matter.

Speaking of idiotic things the city does, after former councilor Neitzert spent months on changing the rec trail ordinances the city employees fart around installing inadequate signage;

Notice how small the MPH sign is. They also have E-Bike crossed out and you have to read the small print to realize you can ride an E1 or E2. And where are the speed signs? I think that the SFPD probably told the Parks Department they won’t be enforcing speeds on the trail, and probably the reason there is NO speed signage along the trail. Can’t ticket someone for speeding if there is no speed limit notice on the trail.

Still waiting for a road biker doing 25 hitting a grandma on her E2 doing 10, then we can have a discussion about speed, braking and physics.

UPDATE: Mayor ‘Kick the Can’ does it again

UPDATE: As several peeps have told me the real reason to hold off Aquatics bond is to scare people into voting against the food tax cut. They will make the argument we can’t have ‘nice things’ if the food tax cut passes. This is a slimy political game, but not surprising. Paul is a political hack and has always been one. If you handed me the budget book and gave me 4 hours I could cut $200 million from next year’s budget and NO ONE in this town would miss that money. Why? Because it is spent on play things, non deserving non-profits and bailouts to developers. Do what the rest of us do when you have less revenue coming in . . . you SPEND LESS! It’s called ‘budgeting’. Wonder if the city has ever heard of this?

I often tell folks there is ONE thing TenHaken is good at, kicking the can. In fact, I am guessing instead of jumping jacks he plays kick the can with the kids during his Mayoral PE classes.

The city council was supposed to have an informational today, but it was canceled. So I texted a city councilor to see what was up, they said;

The administration has decided to delay the aquatics bond until after the general election. One reason cited was uncertainty over the sales tax and the grocery tax effect on revenue, if it is eliminated.

Which is interesting considering cities will still have the ability to charge sales taxes on food. It also makes you wonder where the city’s finances are now and if they are just going to squander the money for the Riverline District.

Either/or, this is really bad leadership considering the hours staff, consultants, volunteers, councilors, etc. have spent on this project.

So when Paul is faced with a challenge, he puts on his sh!t kickers and kicks that can down the road, because as he would say, “I’m over it.”

UPDATE: Did the City of Sioux Falls get permission from the CORPS of Engineers?

UPDATE: I got this picture this morning. As you can see the core of the dike is dirt. Not sure if they are going to build a concrete bulkhead on the west side of the wall, because if water ever goes over the wall with heavy rains it will just washout the dirt core and collapse the wall. Maybe that is by design? I don’t build diversion walls so I have NO clue what I am talking about, but does anyone else know if this is the proper way to build this? Seems like the two dudes working on it today looked like they were in a race against time.

So a foot soldier sent me an interesting email about the diversion channel the city is building by the Sioux Steel District. This was planned and not something the city was hiding;

Yesterday – Saturday – I walked on the recreation trail downtown to Falls Park. As I passed under the new Sixth Street bridge, I noticed that the river now has what looks like a diversion “wall”. It has pink quartzite rocks and concrete. I examined it more when I reached Fall Park and stood on the overlook deck. It looks like the river now flows under only one portion of the railroad bridge and no longer can flow freely under the whole thing. I’m not a fan of changing the flow of a river that nature created. Do you have any information how the construction company or property owner was allowed to build that diversion wall? In my opinion, it’s unbelievable that it was built – the flooding in June should have put that project on hold.

Sioux Falls will have future heavy rain events and water will make its way to the falls and will only have a narrow channel in which to flow. This is ridiculous.

I don’t know enough about how this all works, but I would like to know IF the Corp gave permission, and if so, if they are aware of how this will work?

Most of the Sioux Falls City Council says golf construction contract bad, but vote for it anyway

Councilors Bayse and Barranco voted against the plan after voicing their displeasure. In fact most of the councilors said it was a bad plan, then 6 voted for it anyway.

Do you know how ridiculous you look when you publicly say it is a bad, overpriced plan, then vote for it anyway? You do understand if something is bad, you CAN vote against it and make the administration go back to the drawing board. It really is that simple. You aren’t canceling the project, you are just saying it needs to be different.

You know like $20 million dollar bridges and $26 million dollar bunker ramps, etc.

The golf course contractor should be paying for this anyway, and we can pay them back in revenues. If they claim the new clubhouse will bring in more revenue, that would be a great way to PROVE it.

After the vote last night, Mike Zitterich emailed the council and mayor, he usually CC’s me. If I ever respond it is usually to just him, but last night I did a reply all.

Here is Mike’s initial email (I edited out some stuff about Delbridge, etc. towards the end of the email);

Directed to City Council Leadership,
After listening to, and watching the discussion related to the Elmwood Golf Clubhouse cost overrun, it strikes me as odd as to how we can blow this many project budgets from year to year. I am not pointing fingers, nor am I attempting to pick fights with anyone, as I am trying to in a respectful manner pick my brain as to why this continues to happen in government – whether Federal, State, County, or City.  We had just had this same discussion regarding the 6th Street Bridge, and now this project, and we are told as a community, we cannot afford, nor support spending a million dollars to build a new museum, let alone concept for Delbridge Museum Taxidermy Collection. In fact, I feel, some within the vaults of City Hall, lied to us regarding the Taxidermy, just to push them out, and place a new asset into the building. Come on, please people, we have to become more respectful of the “people’s money”, and pay attention to details, let alone spend tax dollars where the people so desire. I agree with Councilor Barranco’s comments, you had to vote no for the simple reason this is the people’s money, and we should slow the project down, and rebid it. I also agree with Councilor Soehl’s comments that a much deeper dive into project expenses must be done prior to approving any such project during budget cycles, and Councilor Merkouris is also right, we very easily could have utilized the profits of the community asset rather than sales tax dollars the extended costs. As I reach out and speak to residents throughout the community, they are asking to me to continue to raise attention to the manner that city government continues to irresponsibility plan for future projects, whereas they continue to come back a year later to ask for more money, while there are streets to be repaired, or other delayed projects that could use the money sooner than later. It goes back to the same theme” I have stressed for months – this City Council which does in fact include the Mayor as a member, must get a backbone, it must stand its ground, it  must use common sense morals and aptitude, in dealing with the “City Government”. We adopted our charter in 1994, creating that separation of power between the “Governing Board ” and the Departments, Offices, Agencies, Non-Profit Corporate Partners, giving to them more freedom to do things. However, we also placed within that “Charter” Section 2.09 giving powers to the “Governing Board” the ability to Subpoena city officials, managers, agents, employees, corporate partners, thus holding public hearings to dig deeper into city business, holding the ‘government’ accountable. To often than not, the residents are believing we are giving city government a free pass to make mistakes, make judgement errors, let alone, allowing it to roam freely as they so wish, and it is beginning to become a problem, cause the people now see the “Governing Board” lose their effectiveness. I do not mean this in a rude way, but this “governing board” has to grow some balls (pardon my french), get tough on city government, especially where it continues to blow cost estimates. The “City” has a net position of $2,500,000,000 billion dollars, it is managed well, but sometimes we take that for granted, giving the government a free pass. Please, Stop it. It makes it very tough for people like me to defend you, when you continually fail to do your job as elected leaders.  

Sometimes, I feel the City leadership, and government officials are closed minded, and sometimes unwilling to accept positive public input. The People deserve better government. 

Sincerely, and Again, Thank You for Your Time, and Your Commitment to the Residents of Sioux Falls, 
Mike Zitterich Resident
Minnehaha County Precinct Committee

Here was my response;

Mike makes some valuable points. At the 3 pm meeting you talked about the lost revenue from the food tax then at 4 pm you blow money on a want not a need. In fact, the city subsidizs pet projects and non profits to the tune of millions each year, how about we cut expenses? As for the golf contract, should have had the golf contractor pay for most it, and pay them back thru revenues. Good for the taxpayers and a good deal for them. But that would require you folks to wear thinking caps.

If they are promising more revenue this is a good way to hold them accountable.

I would also like to thank Miranda and David for voting against this poorly constructed plan as it stands now.

I told Barranco that it is baffling to me when councilors say they are disappointed in the way a project was planned and funded then vote for it anyway. Why not just sit there, vote yes, and shut the heck up, because if you were really AGAINST it, you would vote NO.

City Pools to open next week

Due to the Great Bear season being like 3 or 4 days this year, the city feels guilty so they decided to open all the outdoor pools next week.

Some may think it is to cold, but Secondary Shift Eastside Assistant Parks and Culture director, (SSEAPC) Taylor Tuna, with the parks department says this;

“Cold water therapy is really trending right now, so like pickleball, refrigerated ice rinks and E-Bikes, we like to do the latest trending baloney people are into.”

But not all of the water will be cold, they also plan to heat the lazy river at Drake Springs with E-Bike battery fires.

Director Tuna says, “Instead of wasting fire department resources to put out these fires, we are just transferring those fires to the pool’s heating unit. Even a stable genius can figure that out.”

The Parks Department is considering closing Great Bear as a ski resort and making it a natural space. We asked what they would do with the chair lift?

“We are considering installing it above Falls Park, and when it is really humid after an August rain, we are going to implement a goose manure slide from the Steel District all the way to the overlook tower. Tuna replies, “That stuff is slicker then cooking oil after a good rain.”

So get out the swim trunks and puffy coats! Summer begins in Sioux Falls next week!

This was satire. I think.