South DaCola

This one paragraph alone explains why healthcare reform will never happen.

This was a great letter to the editor about reform, but I think this paragraph says it all;

The Center for Responsive Politics reported that in the second quarter of this year alone, the pharmaceutical and health products industries spent $67,959,095 on lobbying while the insurance industry spent $39,760,477. Another $25,552,088 was spent by lobbyists for hospitals and nursing homes. That’s a total of $133,271,660 in only three months. And that is not counting the lobbying money spent by professional organizations such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

You can say what you will about death panels and Nazi’s and Kenyans, but in the end we all know deep down inside this is about money. And where does the healthcare industry come up with $133 million in 3 months for advertising? BY SCREWING US over!

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