South DaCola

The Birthers just won’t give up (H/T – Helga)


At least they got the color of his footprint correct

” …and she’s brought along a second forgery (visible above) that purports to be President Obama’s real birth certificate, proving once and for all that he was born in Kenya and is ineligible to be president.

As was also the case with the first forged birth certificate that Taitz tried, unsuccessfully, to introduce into a lawsuit in which she’s representing Alan Keyes and several other plaintiffs, this new document is a pretty obvious hoax.

It’s so clearly fake, in fact, that Jerome Corsi of World Net Daily — one of the chief promoters of the Birthers and their myths — has already debunked it. Taitz apparently obtained it from one Lucas Smith, who’d previously made several aborted attempts to sell it on eBay. Corsi claims that Smith has “a lengthy criminal record” and once “attempt[ed] to sell his kidney to a man in need of an organ transplant.”

Among other obvious problems with Smith’s document that Corsi pointed out is the format for dates used in it — the American style, not the British style, which presumably would have been used when Kenya was a British colony, as it was at the time of Obama’s birth.

The biggest issue with the document, though, is that its header reads “Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya.” In 1961, when Obama was born and this certificate was supposedly produced, Mombasa was a part of Zanzibar. (The claim of birth in Mombasa is illogical anyway, given where Obama’s family lives in Kenya, but it’s become part of Birthers’ conspiracy theories because the city is in one of the more Muslim parts of the country.)

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