South DaCola

Only two days into Mayor Subprime’s administration and barbs are already being thrown

The original story was about recent shakeups at City Hall, including replacing the City Attorney (Maybe Todd Epp will apply, heard he needs a job 🙂 But the story ends with a little tit-for-tat between Mike and Vernon;

Councilor Vernon Brown, who ran against Huether for mayor, said time will tell.

“It’s too soon to tell on how the communication will go,” he said.

Brown is more concerned about the secrecy of Huether’s transition team.

On Monday, Huether said he would not name the group of people who are helping him choose directors because personnel matters are a confidential process.

“I really would encourage him to let the voters know who’s advising him. I think a transition team is very important and should be open and transparent,” Brown said.

Brown said he also has heard from residents who were concerned about Huether not revealing the names.

“I don’t expect there were a lot of citizens who were concerned. I suspect the person who was concerned was Mr. Brown,” Huether said.

This pains me, but I have a feeling I will be siding with Vernon quite a bit in the coming days. Trust me Mike, many citizens and people in the media are concerned about you not being transparent about your transition team, when you are promising transparency. You can’t have it both ways. Munson understood that, and simply just withheld information from the public. Keep talking out of both sides of your mouth and find out where it gets you.

Rumor has it that former city planner, Steve Metli is one of the members of the transition team, no wonder he wants to keep it a secret. If this is true, I find it ironic that a mayor that preaches change would bring in someone from the OLD GUARD.

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