South DaCola

Maybe the city needs to watch their own TV commercials?

(ABOVE: KELO-TV Screenshot)

This is no surprise, and has been going on for years.

Those who walk this area more than one time per week say walking on these conditions isn’t just slippery, it’s also frustrating.

“It’s kind of bogus. They expect us to keep up with our end of the deal and they’re not up to it. It’s frustrating for us commuters on bikes to have to get up and take that time to get through that snow,” Bull Bear said.

I have often noticed that the city takes their sweet ass time cleaning city property. Surprised they don’t require the railroad company to clean the sidewalks on the viaduct since they are the closest adjacent property. Funny how the city dictates to us that we clean THEIR sidewalks and trim THEIR trees but they can’t do it themselves. Pretty soon they will have a city ordinance requiring all pedestrians to carry around a shovel in the winter. Of course the city had an excuse;

KELOLAND News checked several bridges around the city and found many were like the viaduct. We also talked with a city official who explained that most of the bridges in the city, including the viaduct, are state property. However the city does clear them off if they receive a complaint about snow cover.

Hmmm. Bridges in SF are state property. Then why in the hell did SF taxpayers have to bond and pay for the new bridge on 41st street? So which is it?

(BELOW: Channel 16 Screenshot commercial)

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