South DaCola

How I voted in the city election and why


(this video is dedicated to James Ysbrand)

I voted last week, absentee, in the recent city election. I encourage everyone to vote early at the Minnehaha courthouse, 6th and Minnesota. No lines, hassle free.

Charter Amendments

I voted NO on all of the amendments. Whether they are good or not, does not really matter. I DO NOT trust our city attorney and anything he pens.


Kermit Staggers

Not only is Kermit one of my friends, he is the nicest person I know. I know, I am a meanie, and every time I do something mean, I think to myself, ‘Kermit would not do that.’ and I feel guilty. He is also incredibly smart and informed. His opponents can’t even hold a candle to him.


Todd Thoelke

Well, because he is cool. Need I say more? Todd has been heavily involved in the arts and theatre in our community, and we need more arts advocates on the school board.

Kate Parker

I like her husband, who is poli-nerd like me, and she is shorter then me (not a lot of people are). Just kidding, Kate is well informed, concerned and vigilant.


NW District

James Ysbrand

I think James has a ‘Heart of Gold’ I like that about him. It is not often you meet someone running for office that has that. I think his opponent cares about one thing, HIMSELF.

NE District

Kenny Anderson Jr.

The one thing I like about Kenny is that he challenges leadership and the mayor, when he needs to. He also is very in touch with his constituents.

SW District

Kyle Vanderlinden

Okay, I know Greg is probably not going to like this endorsement. But, I will say this about Greg, he is informed, and his incumbency is a benefit to him. He also has the knowledge of his father. Greg does a fantastic job, and if he is re-elected, I will support him and know he will continue to do a good job.

But this is not about Greg, this is about a shining star, Kyle Vanderlinden. He is only 26 years old, but he is so brilliant. Every thing that comes out of his mouth makes sense, is progressive, and fresh. FRESH! The SF city council lacks fresh ideas, and like this about Kyle.

So go vote already!


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