South DaCola

Dictator Homan strikes again

I kinda knew how the school consolidation would play out.

Last Wednesday, superintendent Homan recommended a consolidation of three of its elementary schools closing Jefferson, Longfellow and Mark Twain, in order to re-build one big school on the Mark Twain site.

While Pammy promised only a few weeks back that this was only in the research stage, now all of sudden it is go time. This is how the school board and Homan operate, pretend like nothing is a big deal, and when people aren’t paying attention work quietly in the shadows.

What do I think will happen with the school consolidation? Well it seems Pam has already made up her mind, and well, that means the school board has also (they always do what Pammy tells them to do) because fighting Homan often results in defeat. But it seems some parents are setting the stage for a battle royale;

“I think we need to get the board’s attention. We need them to vote against the consolidation, at least for now. I think we need to talk about it more,” Andersen said.

I feel sorry for Mr. Andersen and his ‘good intentions’ he hasn’t lived in SF long enough to know the wrath of Homan. I suggest he shows up to the school board meeting with a very angry mob. I found that angry mobs are more effective on Homan then honey and bees.

Personally I would like to see the small schools remain, but I don’t have a dog in this fight. I have secretly suspected that someone is interested in purchasing the Longfellow and Jefferson properties, but Homan always keeps her cards close, so we will never know those tiny details until further down the road. I hope some of the parents bring this up in the meeting. What happens to the properties once the schools close?

What also amazes me is that larger class sizes have proven not to be as effective in educating kids. But hey, who bothers with silly studies, we need  to save $800,000 so Pammy can get a raise and new truck to drive.

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