South DaCola

Why does Mayor Huether HATE disabled people?

Well, he actually doesn’t, but he surely doesn’t want to subsidize paratransit for them (Item #26).

Huether was trying to pull a fast one, and cut paratransit funding (hours), and the ENTIRE council voted down his ill-conceived plan, and told him why it was stupid. He was clearly angry after the vote. He doesn’t take defeat lightly.

Some people are speculating why the mayor wants to cut funding, especially since we are spending millions on a new EC, a river greenway (FREE landscaping to a private developer) and have $45 million in reserves.

As one of the user’s of paratransit testified Tuesday night,

“I think it is great that we are building and funding a new Events Center, but if you cut Paratransit hours, I won’t be able to attend any concerts there.” (sic).

Oh the irony in that statement.

As someone said to me about the mayor’s proposal, “It was a pretty ‘Pukey’ move.”

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