South DaCola

Sioux Falls City Council Public Input, June 14, 2016


Gay chickens and dogs discussed in City council? What? Leave it to David Zokaites to help us understand the nature of things and rights.

What can we say about our Sioux Falls public when they need to get something off their chests. Imagine the power in our fellow citizens as they become either brave enough or frustrated enough to challenge the power structure. 2016 is a year of citizen unrest rarely seen in South Dakota. The best part of this is how politely it is done in the Carnegie Townhall on June 14, 2016 for the City Council.

Who in city hall ever thought the public would ever understand zoning enough to challenge the city and protect their property rights.

Who would have thought there would be at least 5 equality rights advocates in front of the City Council? We never did and it was great.

Our mayor even gets into the public input spirit with another 5 minute soliloquy of woo or was it whoa? It was inspiring to at least a few citizens, including your Cameraman Bruce. Bruce and the mayor had a polite bit of discussion on process.

This hour and nine minutes enriched the Council and the public with examples of speaking truth to power, politely.

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