South DaCola

Sioux Falls City Council Chair Kiley has NO CLUE what ‘confidential and Priviledged’ information is

I often shake my head when I see people in local government think they know what they are talking about.

You can watch the council tonight brow beat Stehly about her resolution for openness. She wasn’t getting the information she wanted from city hall so her and Pat Starr proposed a resolution to get the information. Well within their rights.

The discussion is intriguing and really shows the council’s true colors. Hide the secrets at ANY COST. Here is a great letter to the editor about it.

I could write a short novel about the entire discussion, but I only want to comment for now on Kiley’s assertion that certain city councilors are sending the media ‘confidential’ information to blogs and the media.

There are ONLY two forms of this information. Personnel and Litigation. I have NEVER received an email about either of these two things from councilors. They know better. It’s against the law. I have however received emails about OPINIONS from the city attorney that have to do with proposed legislation. This is public information. We pay the city attorney, we own the emails, it is public information. Any city councilor can share this info with me, the media or any citizen in this community. Kiley simply knows not what he speaks.

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