South DaCola

Sioux Falls, South Dacola, Year in the Review (Part I)

• The new year started with a NEW Golf Contract due to an emergency meeting and a secret city RFP process.

• Repeal of Downtown parking ramp fails.

• Judge orders McKennan Park big house must go, after some appeals it is eventually demolished.

• Pat Lalley continues independent local political show, but ends it before the year is up.

• Huether has multiple pointless press conferences up until the end of his reign. He never does reveal his ‘big plans’.

• Independent(?) siding report reveals very little. Huether still refuses to admit he probably authorized the bad siding.

• New blog; keeps us laughing.

• Ribfest finally ends, and nobody seems to care.

• Nick Weiland switches from the mayoral race to run against Erickson on council. The GOP Hate machine beats up ‘Man Bun’ over it.

• The push for a state veterans cemetery in Sioux Falls is successful, thank you SF taxpayers for the generous donation of land.

• Entenman’s ties to Huether doom his race for mayor, even though he spends almost triple of what his closest opponent did. That’s too bad.

• A rumor gets started that Stehly may run for mayor. God tells her not to.

• Hard copies of executive orders mysteriously disappear, rumor has it that Fiddle-Faddle and Erpenbach had a shredding party before they left the city. The world may never know.

• Representative Jamison’s secret settlement bill fails in Pierre. Secrecy continues to rule South Dakota government.

• Frequent public inputer calls Mayor Huether a SOB, twice. It causes major changes to public input.

• Charter Revision Commission allows NO changes to ordinance on the ballot. One member said that if they allow ordinance changes on the ballot, they may pass. Oh, Heaven forbid.

• Council Candidate Soehl gets funded by the big wheels, and after only winning by 40 some odd votes, he doesn’t let them down.

• Paramedics Plus changes ownership, city council approves with little discussion or concern.

• The debate over public ambulances is in full gear, due to me bringing it up during the Mayor’s race.

• City still struggles with using snow gates properly and on EVERY property.

• David Z doesn’t make the mayoral ballot, his temp help collection signatures lost track of time.

• Dumbass buys a condo DT with a patio facing a long standing nightclub and wonders why it is noisy.

• Mayor Huether goes on Belfrage’s show and says that most people probably think he is running for a 3rd term and don’t know he can’t. He basically accuses the mayoral candidates of not getting their message out there.

• We find out that Mayor TenHaken likes to take selfies, and a lot of them.

• TenHaken promises to get tough on crime during campaign, then fails to negotiate a fair contract with FOP.

• In one of the strangest votes, the city council denies a beer license to a discount movie theatre, 8-0, then turns around and approves them for several axe throwing venues. It is still baffling.


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