For immediate release:

Date: 6/13/2011

Subject: Nielson Brothers Polling Sioux Falls Survey  —  Mayor approval/Sioux Falls direction

Contact information:, 605 496-0911, Paul Nielson


High Approval Ratings for Mayor Huether Match Optimism About Sioux Falls Direction

Over 60 percent of Sioux Falls voters approve both of the job of Mayor Mike Huether and of the direction of Sioux Falls, according to the Sioux Falls Survey by Nielson Brothers Polling (NBP).

Looking more closely, 69 percent of respondents approve of the mayor’s job. Among those, 18 percent say they strongly approve and 51 percent somewhat approve. On the other hand, 10 percent say they strongly disapprove and 21 percent somewhat disapprove. Concerning the direction of the city, 61 percent of respondents say Sioux Falls is headed in the right direction, 18 percent say wrong direction, with 21 percent undecided.

“Our poll indicates Mayor Huether has more than maintained the public’s approval since October 2010 when 60 percent rated his job performance as excellent or good in a poll published by the Argus Leader and Keloland”, said Paul Nielson, a partner in NBP. Nielson added, “Optimism about the city’s direction is high.”

Mayor Huether receives slightly higher approval numbers from respondents under 65 years of age (71 percent), men (71 percent), and Democrats (74 percent).

Nielson Brothers Polling surveyed a random selection of Sioux Falls voters over a three day period — May 23-25. NBP polled 460 respondents for the question on the direction of Sioux Falls — margin of error of 4.6 percent — and 431 respondents for the mayoral approval rating — margin of error of 4.7 percent. Both questions have a 95 percent confidence level.

From the Sioux Falls Survey, NBP has previously released findings on the proposed Sioux Falls events center and Grand Falls Casino. Still to be released are findings on questions about teacher salaries and at-large city council members. NBP plans to continue to research and publish local opinions as a civic resource. For more information, contact, or call 605 496-0911.


14 Thoughts on “NIELSON: High Approval Ratings for SF Mayor Huether

  1. Pathloss on June 13, 2011 at 2:54 pm said:

    Why can’t citizens see Huether’s a marxist put into power by a rich developer? Nobody spends $500K of his own money for a job that pays $100K for 4 years. I’d say people who responded favorably are just to dumb to investigate and understand what’s happened to civil liberty and the structure of city government. Maybe they’re selected randomly from cult hypnotized viewers of propaganda TV-16.

  2. Alice15 on June 13, 2011 at 3:05 pm said:

    Ok – I can usually support some aspect of a poll – but there is not a chance in blue angels that this is correct. Seriously – not to take a phrase from Tim Stanga – but I’ve been talking to the people and haven’t heard one person say they have confidence in this guy. I can see maybe a 50% approval because people haven’t had the opportunity to implode over financing for the EC (because that’s coming), but this is ludicrous. Most people cringe just to listen to him speak anymore. He talks to us like we are a herd of cattle – the good people of Sioux Falls, we’ll get it done together Sioux Falls, we will. blah blah blah. I think I am going to start my own polling company. Who are these people anyways? I tried to find out “about them” on their website and it doesn’t allow you. Funny how it is released just prior to the vote tonight. Similar to the Pheasants Forever press release on Friday that they want to come here, but our convention center isn’t big enough. Guess what? – nothing in this town would be big enough – not enough hotel rooms, airline flights, etc. This guy is trying to grab everyone by the ankles. Thank goodness – alot of us are smarter to know better.

  3. Pathloss on June 13, 2011 at 3:51 pm said:

    Alice15, you go girl. Modus operandus for Huether’s ‘Tell me what I want to hear’ consultants. Nielson was once respected but fell from grace. Huether’s first words as mayor (protect and defend the constitution) was a lie and everything since proves him a pathological lier.

  4. ydkm on June 13, 2011 at 4:16 pm said:

    As I heard it Nielsen Brothers Polling have no background in polling or expertise in this area but just started this “business” to provide a “community service”. Really? Why? I don’t put any stock in polls done by amateurs so that certainly includes Nielson Brothers whoever these people are.

  5. Here’s another take on “honest Mike’s” performance:

  6. Poly43 on June 13, 2011 at 5:38 pm said:

    Nielson got started in the polling business last fall. In Rapid City they conducted a poll concerning the Noem, Herseth race. Her’s how the age breakdown went. Of every 100 polled only 3 were under the age of 30. Only 20 were between the ages of 31 to 45. The other 77% were over the age of 45. The majority of these people get their “NEWS” from the Argus and local networks. Nuf said. To them huether is a penny pinching conservative. That’s how he marketed himself, and amazingly, thanks to our 4th estate, most still believe that line of BS. That will soon change when we find out who’s funding his legacy.

    Huether is mayor today because he convinced the city’s unions he was their man. Will NEVER happen again. I repeat. NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. Write this down. The next mayor of this town will have the support of the city’s unions. City employees, unlike the rest of Sioux Falls, have a vested interest in who runs our city. They have the highest voter turnout of any group you can think of in this town. They will make the difference in who is mayor. Just as they were a year ago.

  7. G.I Joe on June 13, 2011 at 6:54 pm said:

    I too find this VERY hard to believe….i dont know a single person that likes or approves of him…..something is up….would you put it past someone that spent 500K to toss a bone here to keep his fragile ego inflated…

  8. l3wis on June 13, 2011 at 8:06 pm said:

    I’m not defending the polling company, but I will say I think only 18% say he is doing a good job and 51% are saying he is doing OKAY in some areas. I found the 31% disapproval rating not good.

  9. Pathloss on June 14, 2011 at 10:13 am said:

    Poly43, a third of city employees live out of town and can’t vote here. The other 2/3 are brain dead and driven to the polls. The unions have power nationally and spend a lot on political advertising. I feel there will be major turnout in 2014. The city employees vote will be insignificant. Victims of city anarchy will be the controlling factor; those involved in constitutional lawsuits, heirs of the vet shot 70 times, BID, camera tickets, zoning victims, landlords, etc..

  10. Pathloss on June 14, 2011 at 10:26 am said:

    Huether must make the EC happen or his developer benefactor will have him wearing concrete shoes standing knee deep in the toxic Sioux River. Then, he’ll be popular. Face him toward ‘David’ and post both weiners on the internet as a before and after for penis growth.

  11. Poly43 on June 15, 2011 at 7:05 am said:

    So Hildebrand was behind the second poll. Again…how were the poll questions framed in that one?

  12. l3wis on June 15, 2011 at 11:12 am said:

    I am so sick of polls. Why not have the ultimate one?

  13. Poly43 on June 15, 2011 at 4:47 pm said:

    Why not have the ultimate one?

    Some would say because we have not been properly “educated” on the issue. I say it’s because we have yet to be properly indoctrinated.

  14. l3wis on June 15, 2011 at 9:09 pm said:


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