“OH, SHIT!” (SOS, Jason Gant, KDLT image)

It is about time a legitimate newspaper in SD call a spade, a spade;

Gant said he asked Powers to close down the Dakota Campaign Store because it had become a distraction.

It’s more than a distraction; it’s a conflict of interest.

Yeah, no kidding!? I love how the MSM media in SD besides the RCJ, Mercer, and an Argus ‘mandated’ Blog have’nt touched this with a 10-Foot Pole. I’m not trying to get ‘cool points’ on this issue. The blatant conflicts and corruption is so obvious, you would think any, and every media source in SD would be terrorizing the AG’s office for a decision from a speedy investigation.

Nope. Not how it works in SD. We must be polite. And ignorant. And subservient.

I will say this, if nothing happens from the AG’s investigation, that won’t be the last of it. There are many national news organizations salivating at the chance to expose the ‘good old boy’ system in SD. I would prefer we stay modest and handle this internally, but, yah never know.


It is like the Heaven’s opened wide. On Monday, Homan’s contract will be available to view online (I will dig up the link on Monday), because the state legislature changed state law to make this happen. As you know, Pam wasn’t going to let anyone see it. That’s all changed now.

Simons said that even if Homan wanted to release her own contract, the law would not allow it, because “in South Dakota, personnel files belong to the employer.”

Also, as DaCola reported a couple of years ago, there are no incentives for substitute teachers in Sioux Falls. Not only have they not increased their pay in several years ($90 per day – no benefits) they are now telling subs they must sub AT LEAST 8 times a year or they will be removed from the roster. Of course retired teachers are exempt from this rule.

(Image: KELO-TV)

After watching this Stormland TV story, I couldn’t help noticing that something was missing. Can you guess what it was? NO MENTION OF PUBLIC MONEY potentially being funneled into these projects. Not even a peep or an inkling.

No mention of the money the city already gave Jr. Football (they have yet to contribute all of what they promised). No mention of the millions in TIF money Sanford is getting for this complex. No mention of the money the mayor is promising Ice Hockey and the Tennis association.

Notta. Nuthin. Zilch.

Sanford will walk away with all the credit while the taxpayers get left holding the bag of burning dog poo.

And people say our local media isn’t puppets for the city. LMAO!

Yet it is perfectly legal to force people to have car insurance . . . hmmm.

According to Jackley the Supreme Court upheld the individual insurance requirement because it declared that the penalty for not having coverage by the deadline in 2014 can be collected as a tax.

Jackley says it violates individual and state constitutional rights and puts a burden on small businesses.  He says they might not be able to offer the same type of coverage for families.

So forcing me to insure my car is constitutional? Give me a break. While I have mixed feelings on forcing people to get health insurance (It is just a bailout for the insurance companies) I am opposed to the healthcare bill for other reasons. I think if you cannot afford private insurance the government should insure you through medicare with a payroll deduction. I think taking out the single-payer option was the worst thing for this bill. It gave the insurance companies what they wanted, a monopoly.