The ebb and flow of the political parties is funny. It will be interesting to watch the failed policies of the Republicans over the next two years, or the lack there of.

In a presidential turnout year, with Republican hubris and extremism on full display as they flex their newfound power, I have no doubt a big wave for the Democrats can be built. It will take smart strategic thinking about what big issue fights to pick and what dumb bipartisan deals to avoid; it will take a strong dose of economic populism in an economy overwhelmingly skewed to the top 1%; and it will take a unity of purpose instead of Democrats trying to set themselves apart from the core values of the party. But if we are smart and tough and relatively unified, 2016 will be a great election for the Democratic Party.


10 Thoughts on “Will Democrats kick ass in 2016? Probably.

  1. keytag on November 9, 2014 at 9:47 pm said:

    “hubris and extremism”, are you making reference to President Obama by any chance?

  2. Whose ass are they going to kick? There own or the super right wing?

  3. The last six years of marching towards socialism has been like getting caught in a rotating power take off shaft. At a minimum it is disfiguring; ultimately it is lethal. Please no more…

  4. What have they done? on November 10, 2014 at 7:54 am said:

    Dems held the house/senate/white house a couple years back. What have they done about the economy except made the rich richer?

    For the first time since 1929 the the top .1 percent have more than the bottom 90%. How can dems run on that? Hard to blame republicans who just retook the senate for that but I’m sure they will try. When they aren’t carpet bombing women (the fake war on women) they are starving children and stealing their futrures right.

  5. Bill – as opposed to the last 60 years of marching toward Fascism? BTW – you should go to dictionary dot com and look up the ACTUAL (not the Faux News’) meaning of those two words. It might just rock your world view. Or, I suppose, you could stay the sort of low information stooge the fascist Faux Repubs love.

  6. Say What!!! Are you aware that half of the world’s wealth (I repeat – 1/2 of the entire world’s wealth) is held by just 85 people?? In the meanwhile – half of the entire US’ wealth – 1/2 – is held by just 47 people. Must be Obama’s fault – right???

  7. Because of course – all of this distribution/accumulation of wealth has just happened over the last 4-6 years – hasn’t it????

  8. Dan Daily on November 10, 2014 at 12:17 pm said:

    Why is everything right or left (red or blue)? It’s time for middle (white) party prominence. The middle class has become unrepresented. Take half the policy of the 2 parties & present it independant. The independent party. Then it’s a red, white, & blue perspective.

  9. Dan – pay attention – the middle class hasn’t become under represented – it’s become non existent.

  10. The Dems could have done well in the most recent election, had enough of them showed up to vote. The overall turnout was horrible but it favored the Repubs. Still the Dems should win the presidency in 2016. The demographics favor the Dems over the White Old Party.

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