Protest at Rounds office
Tuesday 02/06/17 • 12 noon.
Against Betsy DeVoss nomination.
320 N Main Ave., Suite A
Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Protest should gather in front of building and gather more information. Peacefully assemble. Bring signs. Behave yourself. Comply with police. Send someone to his office to bring staff/clipboards to the protestors to leave statements.

Share details, tell any media contacts. Don’t give anyone a reason to criticize our methods, only our ideas.

2 Thoughts on “Marion Mike Rounds Protest Planned

  1. The D@ily Spin on February 7, 2017 at 10:39 am said:

    Bring model airplanes and EB-5 applications.

  2. Mike Kokenge Sr on February 8, 2017 at 9:26 am said:

    Yesterday Megan Raposa followed this protest via twitter. I commented on the $46,800 campaign contribution Marion received from devos. There were also many other comments and shares on her rounds protest coverage. Megan later made a comment that struck home with me. She mentioned that 10 people were there. Three from media, two police, and five protestors. She went on to suggest events like this would have meant more if those who commented against Marion, at home, near the warmth of their home computers, had actually shown up. Megan is so right. I know the time was wrong, 12:00 on a workday is not exactly a convenient time for most folks. I would also contend that 5, 50, 500, or even 5000 protestors would not have changed the 46,800 reasons Marion had for confirming devos. But, Marion needs a clear message sent his way, and true activism is the only way he is going to get it.

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