Sioux Falls City Council Public Input, Bob Kolbe, June 20, 2017

“You know sometimes people like myself come before you and people say why do they always come forward? They always are criticizing and always pointing at things that are not necessarily the highlight of the activity of the city, county or the state. Part of it is because the good things that are done by the people on that side of the bench will take credit and publicize what they feel are the good things and the people on this side of the bench are those who are looking at things and trying to see with joint mutual concern for the city and the county, whatever, that they are trying to make it better.”

One Thought on “Bob Kolbe explains why some people speak at Public Input

  1. The D@ily Spin on June 22, 2017 at 7:15 pm said:

    Keep it simple. Public Input is what city officials are trying to hide and barely apologize for later.

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