Download Petition, actual document, follow directions below: Petition Opt Out 2017

The document must be reproduced so each petition has a front and back of the document.  The petition may not be reproduced on two sheets of paper and stapled together.  Each box of the signature lines must be completed.  The person gathering and witnessing the signature is allowed to fill in any of the boxes except the signature box.  The person gathering and witnessing the signatures must stand before a notary and fill in the certification on the back of the petition and have it witnessed by a notary.

The petitions are due back to the Business Manager by 5:00, July 7, 2017. The goal is 6,000 signatures. Too bad it isn’t based on the turnout of the last election, then they would only need about 300 signatures.

*South DaCola is NOT directly involved with petition drive, but does support the effort.

One Thought on “Sioux Falls School District Referendum Opt-Out petition

  1. The D@ily Spin on June 19, 2017 at 12:46 pm said:

    I get the feeling kids should be home or private schooled. Better yet, move to a suburb with superior education and a budget not managed by parents of rich kids.

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