Fiscal Committee

City council will review non-profit contracts. This is important because they are trying to determine how much and who they will continue to give to in 2019.

City Council Meeting

Item #1, Consent Agenda, Seems we spent $10K on outside counsel for the golf contract. I guess there is no one talented enough in our city attorney’s office making 6-figures that could have crafted the document. Sad.

We are also giving the SF Arts Council $32K and putting $32K towards arts maintenance. While I don’t take issue with this or the amounts I have often suggested a different approach. I think the city council should craft an ordinance that stipulates a percentage (not a dollar amount) of the 3rd penny goes towards public art and services in Sioux Falls. Currently it is getting gobbled up by the Pavilion for maintenance and brick and mortar projects. The 3rd penny was originally created to pay of off the Pavilion bonds (they have been paid off for several years). It’s time to repurpose the money (since it is NOT going away).

Items#28-29, Repeal of the Parking Ramp contract and bond sales (1st Reading). Not sure how this will go, but hopefully it will get the 5 votes needed to move to a 2nd reading. I have heard rumblings that at least three other councilors besides Pat and Theresa are unhappy with the recent revelations over the Federal investigation and absestos dumping. There is also still new information coming out in the media. I have also been contacted by citizens who have been doing their own research on Legacy and their past business adventures. I will be putting up a guest post later tonight by cameraman Bruce and some of his findings.

Item#30, 1st Reading, Councilors Starr and Stehly are proposing to let voters decide if they want a majority or plurality in council elections. Rex ‘Walter’ Rolfing should have never proposed this to begin with.

Item#31, Resolution, ‘Siouxperhero’ award. Sorry kids, Bruce and I cannot be nominated, they have a ‘DaCola’ clause;

and nominations on matters of political controversy, events/organizations with no direct relationship to Sioux Falls, or individuals focused on political campaigns/events contrary to City policies will not be eligible.

LMAO! Sorry citizen advocates, you are to negative for our award.

4 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, Jan 2, 2017

  1. The D@ily Spin on December 31, 2017 at 10:53 am said:

    ‘Walter’ and Rolfing would be a good act but it would be hard to tell which dummy has their hand in the other dummy.

  2. Well at least Memphis TN has the right idea:

    What exactly does ” or individuals focused on political campaigns/events contrary to City policies will not be eligible” mean? A citizen activist will most like make positive changes to a community just by asking questions contrary to city policies.

    What a worthless “award”. I could name dozens of people I have met in the past 30 years who should have been awarded for their work to make our little town better but they had to fight city policy to do it.

  3. The D@ily Spin on January 2, 2018 at 10:19 am said:

    There should be an award for Sue-Per-Hero. Those who took the city to court and proved their Charter unconstitutional.

  4. The D@ily Spin on January 2, 2018 at 10:27 am said:

    DaCola soldiers must remain unrecognized. They are the Seal Team 6 of Sioux Falls.

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