Well, I don’t know the answer to that question. BUT, I have speculated quite often on this. I have often argued that the Denty has actually been a financial drain on our city, and not just in a mortgage payment.

So why is it with so many people coming to Sioux Falls for sold out shows at the Denty the entertainment tax has been dropping?

My theory is that more and more people are dropping their entertainment dollars on tickets at the Denty, those dollars go directly to the artists and promoters and directly out of town. In other words, they are not spending that money on authentic local entertainment. Not only has it caused collections to go down, it is NOT getting recirculated in the community.

While it is nice we can see world class acts in Sioux Falls now, it has acted like a vacuum taking money out of the coffers of local entertainment.

Ironically the Mayor had a press conference today peddling more lies about how ‘profitable’ the Denty has been. He said that after operational costs, it made $2.1 million PROFIT last year. Ironically they never discuss the $10 million mortgage we pay out of our 2nd penny road tax. They also don’t mention that the city only holds the account on this FAUX profit that SMG controls. In other words, the city coffers (us) never sees the $2.1 million left over after operational expenses. The only money we take in at the end of the day is the $1.9 million in sales taxes it generated last year, which still leaves us far in the hole after paying the mortgage.

He also thanks the voters for passing the Denty with a FAKE, non-legally binding advisory vote. If the voters would have had a LEGAL bond vote on the EC, it would have never passed.

Greg made some great points of what to expect of him as mayor. He made the point that the Mayor of Sioux Falls needs to be a ‘Diplomat’ of the city to the rest of the state instead of telling the rest of the state they are going to steal away all the state tournaments.

(FF Video to 1:10 to see Kiley’s new found power)

I wondered how long it would take for Rick Kiley to get back to his old bossy self after not having a challenger in the upcoming election. I guess only 4 days. He decided to lay into councilor Stehly for, get this, asking questions. He pulled some rule from his rear that there was a 3 question rule. Then when Stehly asked him where the rule was written down, he said it was ‘tradition’. After she asked for point of order about the 4th time, I was waiting for him to pull out the Magic 8-Ball in defense of his traditional ‘rules’.

He claimed that since they had a 5:30 meeting with the Minnehaha County Commission there wasn’t time for questions.

Yeah, isn’t that interesting. First off, normally joint county meetings are scheduled at 6 PM, for some ‘strange’ reason, this one was scheduled 30 minutes earlier on the same day there was multiple items on the informational agenda including an end of the year financial report that was drug out like a caveman’s wife. Turbak has pulled this maneuver several times, when he knows there is a timeline he will drag his presentation as long as he can to eliminate questions. You are soooo sly Tracy.

If I was Stehly I would have said that the county commission can wait until we are done with our meeting, besides, the joint meeting I think lasted less than 5 minutes.

You just watch Kiley and his teammate Huether over the next 2 months and the games they will play.