South DaCola

Here comes the healthcare debate crazies


Of course only in South Dakota would we have people against saving Americans, hospitals and employers billions on healthcare;

As Dean spoke, Melvin VandenTop, 53, of Sioux Falls stood to protest the hearing as a tool to squeeze certain Americans out of needed care.

“This is genocide!” he shouted.

The only thing that is genocide is the millions of Americans each year who die or suffer from the lack of having proper healthcare.

Barry Zachariahs, 55, listened to speakers at the Terrace Park rally.


Overall we have a system that has worked well,” he said. “Why do we have to go and have a virtual government takeover of it?”

Hey, Barry, can I have some of that Medical Mary Jane you are smoking? Of course, the BS gets deeper, when you have a doctor who is in private practice and owns his own clinic opposed to it. Dr. Curd who would probably lose millions in profits each year due to a National Healthcare System had this lie to spread at a kook rally yesterday;

“Do we change the entire system for 7 percent of the population?” He asked.

BAHAHAHAHA! Nice figure, “DR.” I found this story about poverty basically proving Curd is full of shit;

Sioux Falls-based Voices for Children says 33,000 people younger than 18 – or 17 percent of all children in South Dakota – live below the federal poverty line of $21,027 for a family of four.

Yeah, I suppose all of them are receiving world-class healthcare? The only thing that is leading these rallies against National Healthcare is greed.

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