South DaCola

Dr. Huber ‘tries’ to spread the bullshit on medical marijuana

Get with the program Tom;

“I don’t believe the number of people who want this is a large number.  I think there’s a vocal number of people but I don’t know if there’s a large number of people,” Dr. Tom Huber with the South Dakota State Medical Association said.

Yeah, because 32,000 people in a state of 750,000 isn’t a lot of people. You may be a doctor, but you are not a mathematician.

“So far with my patients, or patients I’m familiar with that work with specialists, we seem to have control of this and it doesn’t seem to us that we have a huge problem that needs something new and very controversial.”

Something NEW!? WTF are you talking about?! Marijuana has been around before mankind! It has been consistently proven to be a natural analgesic. Maybe Tom needs to smoke a joint and get a clue.

“I’ve seen what its like to suffer from one of these illnesses and have met MS patients, people who have cancer and there is a community out there of medical marijuana patients that are suffering,” Reistroffer says.

Why would we deny people who are dying, relief from pain because a couple of buearacrats labeled it the ‘evil weed’. When this passes in November, Huber is the one that will look like a gigantic asswipe.

For the record, Emmett helped Theresa and I with the tax petition drive. He is an incredible guy, with tons of passion. If someone can get this done, it is him.

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