South DaCola

Ironic Johnny Thune-Bag says to Hell with consumers and the environment


First, his big dump on consumers, from my email box;

Today, Senator Thune voted against a cloture motion which would allow the Senate to nominate Richard Cordray to the director of the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau).  Basically by not allowing Cordray to even be nominated, Thune (and 44 of his fellow Republicans) are filibustering because the don’t like the idea of a government agency designed to protect the consumer.
I guess they are ok with financial meltdown and ok with billions upon billions of taxdollars being sent to banks and other financial companies in the form of bailouts along with billions upon billions more being loaned to those same financial companies at 0.01% interest (essentially giving them the power to make money at the expense of the taxpayer), but when it comes to enacting some serious reforms to protect the little guy or helping the CFPB to get off the ground, the GOP lines up behind the banks and says no.
Does this really surprise anyone?  The irony in all of this is that while the GOP screams that President Obama hasn’t done enough to improve the economy, they in turn decide it is best to prevent an agency designed to protect consumers and in turn strengthen the financial system from even being considered.  I assume the real purpose of filibusting such a vote is to prevent Obama from securing a “win” because it might help him politically.  Well that and the fact that the GOP collects millions upon millions of dollars in campaign contributions from the banks and their PACs.
It is also interesting to note what John Thune said back in 2005 when discussing filibusters:
“For over 200 years, the Senate has fulfilled its role by giving judicial nominees up-or-down votes – with a majority of senators required to approve a nominee. But now, a minority of the Senate is filibustering certain judicial nominees who fail to pass their own political litmus test. Their actions must stop.”  – Senator John Thune, April 2005

So remove the word “judicial” and tell me how things are any different today than they were in 2005?  Oh yea thats right… in 2005 it was the Democrats using the filibuster so that should be unacceptable.  Now it is the GOP using the filibuster so it is an entirely different issue.  I just have one question – if John Thune isn’t willing to give the job to Cordray it means he is killing a job right? Does that mean instead of a “job creator” he is a “job killer”?  Food for thought.

Second, the environment;

“You finally get to a point where it’s time to make a decision one way or the other,” Thune said. “Clearly my view is that this project should move forward.”

Because, gosh darn, the Chinese can’t get their Canadian crude fast enough. Give it up John, this about the presidential election and campaign contributions to you.


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