South DaCola

Did former AL Publisher Randell Beck retire on his own fruition?


Beck was a guest on Knobe’s show yesterday, talking about his goal to recruit mentors;

Randell Beck, former publisher of the Argus-Leader, is on mission. He is leading an effort to enlist 500 more mentors for students in our elementary, middle, and high schools. Currently there are about 1000 people investing an hour a week in helping a child succeed. The list of students needing mentors is long. Mr. Beck will talk about a new effort to attract people like you to help.

I did not hear the program, so I still need to get the following information confirmed, but a listener told me that Beck has a new job at Avera in community relations. Not sure if this has something to do with his mentoring and is a volunteer position, or a paid position? BUT if it is a paid gig, it makes you wonder why Beck ‘retired’ early from GANNETT if he still wanted to continue to work? It’s one thing to want to make a career change when you are 30, 40 or even 50 but to jump the publishing industry when you are close to retirement seems a bit odd.

So did Beck ‘retire’? I’m sure we will get the answer to that question the same day we find out what Gannett paid Dan Scott to settle out of court.

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