South DaCola

The city is purchasing art! Great! Wait . . .

I am all for the city buying public art to put on display in our city (Item #35) but two things concern me about this ‘purchase’ (See the details: DSPC-Sculp). First off, why isn’t the purchase of the sculpture coming from the EC budget?  (correction; it IS coming from the EC budget) And secondly why are we not using a local artist?

It also mentions that there will be two other sculptures placed at the site, gee, I wonder what one of them will be? The third one I suspect will be an abstract piece made from the removed bad siding . . . speaking of the siding.


Last night me and some other rabble rousers went to the EC to look at the siding, I will keep my opinion to myself at this point of the ‘work’ that was done and the materials that were used. How does that saying go? Putting a square peg into a round hole?

As we were there a construction manager chased us off telling us it was still a construction site. Actually it is public property and all the safety signs and fences have been taken down. Funny how when the mayor was running for office, anybody could come out and ‘inspect’ the EC, but now that our ‘inspections’ are causing a headache soon to be PR nightmare, we get chased away.

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