South DaCola

Is the elimination of the FREE pool passes a convenient distraction?

First off I find it a little odd that the 1st reading of the pool rate increases was posted on Friday before the Parks Board actually votes on the rate increases as an entire body, in public at their 4 PM meeting tomorrow at Great Bear. (AgendaParkBoard 06-16-15

A forgone conclusion I guess.

I also find the Argus editorial yesterday against eliminating the FREE passes interesting. I think many people in the city administration are trying to distract the conversation about the poor kids losing passes so they can sneak the gigantic rate increases by.

Sorry, this is all a part of the conversation.

For those of you that can afford to pay for pool passes, God Bless You, I also think you can afford increases, but they should be reasonable. Imagine if your healthcare insurance provider told you there would be a 400% increase in 3 years. You would literally sh*t a brick.

The focus of the conversation should be reasonable rate increases and finding a way to subsidize free passes.

I advise the city council to not get distracted by the FREE pool pass discussion, and consider ALL people affected by this measure, rich and poor.

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